To ensure gift delivery by 12/25, please place orders via UPS shipping no later than 12/17.
CloseFinding accessible textbooks shouldn’t be hard, so we make it easy.
At APH, we’re driven to make sure students with visual impairments are able to receive their accessible textbooks as quickly as possible.

How to find braille, large-print, and digital textbooks.
For accessible textbooks, we offer a variety of options.
Step 1
Search the Louis Database. If you find your textbook in the format needed, place your order with the vendor offering it. If not, see step 2.
Step 2
If the textbook you are seeking does not appear in the Louis Database, just fill out this handy APH textbook order request form (options below). Then go to step 3.
Step 3
Search the National Instructional Materials Access Center (NIMAC) to see if a NIMAS file is available. If available, please assign it to APH as your Accessible Media Producer.
Get braille books fast.
APH offers BrailleBlaster: revolutionary software that lets you turn your text to braille. If you need a textbook right now, this free program will help you transcribe using the NIMAC files. It’s quick, easy, and accurate, ensuring your children are ready for the first day of class.

APH Digital Textbooks
Search Louis to locate APH digital braille and large print textbooks. Separate tactile graphics packages are also available for purchase for all completed APH braille textbooks.
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