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    Tip 1: Start with a catalog number
    If you are searching for a particular product on our shop start with the product catalog number. All shop products are associated to a catalog number and can be found quickly by searching with that number.

    If you are wondering where to find a product catalog number you can download or order any of our product catalogs ( each containing product catalog numbers for the products you are trying to find at no charge to you. Also, you can download the catalog to your personal device or print the catalog for your future off-line reference.

    Note: Because we add new products, update products and discontinue products our print catalog and website will not always reflect the same exact products. We update our catalog annually and our website as products change. Please be aware that some products do not appear on our website.

    For a list of discontinued products please reference the area labeled MyResources in your APH Federal Quota online account at .

    For help searching for replacement and consumable parts by part number, see Tip 4 and you will be able to find the APH Parts Catalog here .

    Tip 2: Search using product titles
    If you are searching for a specific product on the APH web shop and you do not have a product catalog number, then use a product title. All products have a title which can be found as the leading text on every product page.

    Our product catalogs are a good place to find product titles. Even though the product titles on the web site do not always match our product titles in the catalog it will be helpful to use an iteration of the product title to use in the search. See below for examples.

    Without a catalog or if you need to search quickly try to provide a product’s title and so long as you are able to provide enough keywords from a products title your ability to return the product you are searching for will be greater. Title accuracy produces the best results.

    Some examples include:

    • Mini-Lite box vs Mini Light (check for dashes) – Mini-Lite box is the correct product title
    • TactileDoodle vs Tactile Doodle (check for spaces between two words) – TactileDoodle is the correct product title
    • Building on Patterns First Grade vs BOP 1st grade (check for words that may be abbreviated) – Building on Patterns is the correct product title
    • Video Mag HD versus HD (Use as much of the title as possible as using two letters “HD” will not produce the Video Mag HD) – Video Mag HD is the correct product title

    Tip 3: Search using topics
    If you are not searching for a product but instead are searching for information on consider searching for topics such as; accessibility, education, fitness, etc. as a few examples. Topics are abstract and can only be found if it exists within the content of a page on APH.

    The header and footer navigation is another great way to search our site. Our header navigation takes you to static content within our site about our organization, while our footer contains pertinent as well as dynamic information such as Articles which are periodicals and Newsroom which are important updates from APH.

    Tip 4: Searching for Optional and Replacement Parts
    If you are searching for optional or replacement parts for products on the shop, all parts are now found on the associated product page. You can search for the parent product that the part is associated with to find it within the Optional and Replacement Items of the product page.

    Tip 5: Searching for books (Excluding APH Press books)
    When searching for large print, braille or audio books, we recommend that you search for those types of books on Once you find the book you are searching for (so long as it is a title that APH produces. For more info contact our customer service) copy the catalog number from Louis and then search for it here on

    If searching for APH Press titles, simply search for the title you are searching for on All APH Press titles are available through our search.

    Tip 6: Expanded Search Filtering
    When searching on you can filter the results. First just below the search bar are four filter types; Pages, Products, Posts, and Documents. By default a search will contain all four of these results along with how many results have returned for each type. Pages are the common pages that make up Products are found on the APH shop. Posts are blog articles and news updates. Documents are downloadable files and documents associated to products such as manuals and software. You can narrow your search to any one of those types to help you find what you are searching for.

    If you are still having trouble finding what you are searching for on please call our customer service line and speak with an experienced representative that can assist.

    Customer Service can be reached at: 800-223-1839 or email Hours are from 8am to 8pm weekdays.

    We’d also like to inform you that we at APH are working very diligently to make the best experience possible in every way that we are able. If you have any feedback, please contact our customer service team and provide us with your thoughts as to how we can improve the experience for you. Otherwise, keep checking back as we have some very exciting updates in the works in the near future!

Searching for textbooks from APH or other accessible media producers? Go to Louis.

52 results found

Soaring to New Heights: Monarch Teacher Trainings Spread Across North America
Four rows of smiling people, most sitting behind long tables each covered by a white tablecloth, and a few standing, hold their Monarch boxes up.

A new piece of access technology is soaring across the United States and will be coming soon to a classroom...


Monarch Student Pilot Project Takes Flight
A student uses both hands to touch a tactile graphic of an apple displayed on the Monarch's multiline refreshable braille display.

Earlier this year, APH focused on training more than 200 teachers across the country on the Monarch. They, in turn,...


Soaring Across the Globe: Teacher Trainings Take Monarch to Canada and the UK
A man speaks to a group seated at a conference room table, each with a Monarch multiline refreshable braille display and a small monitor in front of them. Behind the man is a large screen displaying a star, which is also appearing on the small monitors and as a tactile graphic on the Monarch.

Soaring across the globe, the Monarch renders braille and tactile graphics on the same surface, allowing students to have access...


Soaring to New Heights: A Professional’s Perspective on the Monarch
Seth LeBlond poses for a photo outdoors in front of a fountain and beside a column where a folded white cane is resting.

APH’s Monarch has flown into the hearts of many professionals. We recently spoke with Seth Leblond, the Assistive Technology Coordinator...


Building a Better Future for Elementary School Students with the Monarch
An elementary school-aged boy sitting at a table in a classroom looks pleased as he uses both hands to touch the Monarch’s multiline braille display.

Technology is constantly changing, opening a whole new world of possibilities that were unimaginable even ten years ago. Rendering braille...


From Dream to Reality: An Interview with Karen Anderson
In a meeting room, people sit at long tables arranged in rows and covered in white tablecloths. Several of the people are examining the Monarch multiline braille displays in front of them.

Karen Anderson, Education Programs Coordinator at the National Federation of the Blind (NFB), says her first impression of the Monarch...


Making Middle School Lessons More Accessible with the Monarch
A middle school aged student with a white cane tucked into their arm touches the Monarch's multiline refreshable braille display, which is laying on a table in front of them. An adult stands behind the table, and a tactile solar system map and a Perkins brailler are also laying on the table.

Tactile maps give people who are blind or low vision a sense of their surroundings. Through careful study, a mental...


Unlocking a World of Scientific Discoveries with the Monarch
A section of a tactile graphic depicting the lifecycle of a butterfly shown on the Monarch’s 10-line by 32-cell refreshable braille display. The section of the tactile graphic specifically shows the transition from chrysalis to butterfly.

Science classes include a variety of graphics, which can be expensive and slow to produce. APH’s Monarch, is breaking down...


Inside the Monarch Chess App
Two young people touch the Monarch's multiline braille display as it sits on a table near a chessboard.

Designed to have a video game feel, the main screen of the Chess Application is visually striking with the words...


Supplement Geography Lessons with the Monarch and TGIL
Two hands use the Monarch's Perkins-style keyboard while a tactile graphic depicting a map of the United States is displayed on the Monarch’s multiline refreshable braille display.

Understanding the world around you can be difficult when you cannot see it clearly. A tactile globe and atlas are...


Playing the Gambit: How the Monarch’s Chess App Engages Students While Building Crucial Skills
A screenshot of a tactile graphic that says

Developed with the only refreshable digital braille chessboard in existence, Monarch’s Chess App gives those who are blind or low vision the...


Mastering the Monarch
A woman's hands touch a tactile graphic of a monarch butterfly displayed on the Monarch's 10 line by 32 cell refreshable braille display.

The braille metamorphosis has begun! More than 40 teachers from across the U.S. are gathering in Orlando, FL prior to...


Cultivating Math Skills on the Monarch with KeyMath
A student sits in front of a screen with a graph on it while placing their hands on the tactile graph on the Monarch in front of them.

Adapting math lessons for students who are blind or have low vision takes patience and creativity. Teachers of the Visually...


Monarch Field Testing is Complete: What Comes Next?
A young boy uses both of his hands to feel a tactile graphic of the butterfly featured in the Monarch logo on the Monarch’s 10 line by 32 cell refreshable braille display.

Friday, December 1st marked the completion of a six-week field test for the Monarch. While field testers and students spent...


Leveling the Playing Field: Perspective of a DeafBlind User
A woman in a striped sweater helps a young boy use the Monarch on a table in a school library.

Danielle Burton, APH’s Communications Accessibility Editor, has long hoped for a piece of access technology that levels the playing field...


APH Hive Helps Users Master the Monarch
A student stands in a library next to a stack of braille notebooks with a Monarch in her hands.

As Monarchs begin to soar into classrooms this fall, we’re committed to ensuring that educators have everything they need to...


A Tactile Eclipse: How the Monarch is Revolutionizing Tactile Graphics
A hand touches a tactile graphic depicting the stages of a solar eclipse on the Monarch's multiline tactile display.

On April 8th, 2024, North America experienced a total solar eclipse. According to NASA, “99% of people who reside in...


Enhancing Early Educational Experiences with the Monarch
Two adult hands guide a child's hands across a tactile graphic of a fish displayed on the Monarch's refreshable braille display.

Imagine opening the classroom door on your very first day of school, the excitement of meeting new friends and learning...


⁠The Monarch and The TGIL: Bringing a World of Tactile Graphics to Students’ Fingertips
A student feels a tactile graphic on the Monarch's tactile display with two hands as an APH employee stands beside them.

A student who is blind or low vision sees about a dozen tactile graphics in a school year, while their...


APH’s Jessica Minneci Discovers a Literary World on the Monarch
A woman with long hair types on the Monarch at a desk in an office.

Jessica Minneci, APH’s Communications Associate, composes blogs during work and spends her nights drafting novels. One-line braille displays assist with...


Simplifying Standardized Tests with the Monarch
A man leans down to help a seated young woman use the Monarch, which is laying on a table in front of her. A computer monitor can be seen to the right of the Monarch.

Standardized tests can be a source of anxiety for students who are blind or have low vision. Although they are...


What Do Educators Have to Say about the Monarch?
Three rows of smiling people, some sitting and some standing behind long tables, hold up their Monarch boxes.

Educators are the experts! They have the experience and knowledge necessary to understand what tools will give their students the...


Taking Notes on the Monarch
A young man wearing a gray sweater sits at a table typing on the Monarch.

Students spend most of their day learning new information and then demonstrating their knowledge through quizzes and tests. Having an...


Making the Monarch: A Revolutionary Device for All
Two hands wearing several rings feel a tactile graphic of a car displayed on the Monarch’s 10-line by 32-cell refreshable braille display.

People often picture the majestic butterfly when they hear the name “Monarch.” As part of our braille metamorphosis at APH,...


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