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Orders placed between March 27 – 31 will not ship until April 1 due to APH warehouse closure for inventory.


A world of resources at your fingertips.

We believe knowledge is key to progress, so we maintain the world’s most comprehensive body of information and research relating to blindness and visual impairment. We publish essential professional textbooks for university programs. We curate an exhaustive collection of current and historical works in the M.C. Migel Library. And we make available an immense, free catalog of tactile images for teachers. The more we all know, the better we all serve.

Volumes of books on a shelf at a library

APH Press

APH Press carries on the legacy of AFB Press as the leading publisher in the field of blindness and visual impairment. Nearly 70 titles provide a wide range of professional, researched information on education, orientation & mobility, aging, rehabilitation, and much more.

APH Hive

The APH Hive, our FREE eLearning platform for educators and families, contains a growing course catalog covering categories like Early Childhood, Expanded Core Curriculum and more. All you have to do is sign up, watch the course content at your leisure, and complete the follow up assignment to get your certificate for ACVREP credit!

APH’s Migel Library

The APH Migel Library promotes research, education, and social and cultural awareness by collecting and providing access to non-medical materials related to blindness and visual impairment.

Migel is one of the largest known collections of materials related to blindness and visual impairment in the United States. The collection currently houses approximately 20,000 print, audio, video, and other items. The material ranges in scope from research reports and theses to published fiction and non-fiction.

APH Museum

The Museum of the American Printing House for the Blind is dedicated to preserving and presenting the fascinating educational history of people who are blind and the historic contributions of the American Printing House for the Blind for the benefit of people who are low vision, educators of people who are low vision, and the broader community.

Hall of Fame

APH is pleased to support The Hall of Fame as it recognizes leaders and legends of the field of blindness.

Tactile Graphic Image Library

The Tactile Graphic Image Library (TGIL) is APH’s free online library meant to enhance learning experiences. This collection of images includes vector images in a PDF format, along with .png and .stl files. These files can be downloaded and used with swell paper or with a 3D printer (.stl files only).

Next Generation Science Standard Alignment

APH develops science products which align with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) released in 2013. In an effort to assist TVIs who teach science, we maintain a document aligning all APH science products with the NGSS.

Large Print Guidelines

APH has developed research-based guidelines for the creation of documents in large print covering the use of font face and size, color, spacing, formatting, and more.

Featured Resources

Foundations of Education Third Edition Volume 1 book cover

Foundations of Education: Volume I: History and Theory of Teaching Children and Youths with Visual Impairments

The highly anticipated third edition of the essential textbook in the field of blindness and visual impairment is completely revised and updated for the 21st century. Note: For make-to-order...

Burns Braille Guide front cover

Burns Braille Guide: A Quick Reference to Unified English Braille

A perennial favorite resource for teachers and transcribers, The Burns Braille Transcription Dictionary has been revamped as the Burns Braille Guide to usher in the new era of Unified...

Missing Image Placeholder

Foundations of Braille Literacy

Addresses the teaching of braille reading and writing in the context of literacy in general, the whole language approach, and the way in which print reading and writing are...

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