WRAT5: Wide Range Achievement Test 5, Student Books, Braille (UEB and Nemeth)
Quickly and efficiently assess the achievement level of a student, ages five and up, in reading skills, math skills, spelling, and comprehension with the Wide Range Achievement Test 5 (WRAT5).
Shipping Limitations: This product only ships to the United States. Orders outside these regions will not be processed.
This quickly administered assessment (less than 45 minutes) provides immediate feedback to the teacher, expediting the development of the IEP or comparable education plan for the student. WRAT5 is individually administered, enabling the teacher the opportunity to observe the student as he/ she proceeds through the assessment and thus determine areas of strengths and needs in reading, math, spelling, and comprehension skills. Provided forms give teachers the ability to assess a student multiple times for initial evaluation, re-evaluation, or for incremental progress checks.
Reading: 2 Student Books (contracted and uncontracted; UEB)
Math: 2 Student Books (contracted and uncontracted; UEB with Nemeth and UEB with UEB)