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Orders placed between March 27 – 31 will not ship until April 1 due to APH warehouse closure for inventory.


Woodcock-Johnson IV (WJ IV): Adapted for Braille Readers

Provided in contracted and uncontracted UEB with Nemeth and UEB Math/Science.

Shipping Limitations: This product only ships to the United States. Orders outside these regions will not be processed.


Federal Quota Eligible

22 in stock

Catalog Number: 6-66001-00

Product Description

Woodcock-Johnson IV: Adapted for Braille Readers (WJ IV), is a comprehensive set of assessments which are administered to identify learning difficulties and improve instructional outcomes. It can be administered to persons from 2 years of age to over 90 years of age.

The braille adaptation is comprised of tests which were able to be adapted for braille readers from each of the three batteries: Tests of Achievement (Standard and Extended), Tests of Cognitive Abilities (Standard and Extended), and Oral Language.


  • It is strongly recommended the administrator have approved professional development training in administering the original print Woodcock-Johnson IV.
  • Examiners must meet the qualifications for administering this assessment and have purchased the publisher materials that are referenced in the braille adaptation.
  • Publisher materials must be ordered directly from Riverside Insights. Ordering the WJIV Complete Battery Plus Achievement A, Cognitive, Oral Language will provide all materials needed for administration of the braille and large print editions.
  • How to Place Your Order:
    • Ages 2 and up.
    • All tests in each of the 3 batteries that were able to be adapted for students are included.
    • Student books are provided in the kit is contracted and uncontracted UEB with Nemeth and UEB Math/Science
    • Scoring software provided on a USB flash drive, specifically created for this adaptation
    • Examiner manuals and spiral-bound record books for each of the three batteries of assessments
    • An Administration Guide and Resource Manual, authored by Dr. Lynne Jaffe
    • Floppy braille binders
    • APH Innovations Tote
  • Weight: 38.44 lbs

    Dimensions: 19.1 × 12.4 × 13 in

    Federal Quota Funds: Available

  • Contact Customer Service to discuss your warranty options.