The Woodcock-Johnson® IV is a comprehensive set of assessments that help identify learning difficulties and improve instructional outcomes. It can be administered to persons from 2 years of age to over 90 years of age.
The assessment is comprised of 3 batteries: Tests of Achievement (standard and extended), Tests of Cognitive Abilities (standard and extended), and Oral Language.
It is strongly recommended the administrator have approved professional development training in administering the original print Woodcock-Johnson IV.
Examiners must meet the qualifications for administering this assessment and have purchased the publisher materials.
Publisher materials must be ordered directly from Riverside Insights. Ordering the WJIV Complete Battery Plus Achievement A, Cognitive, Oral Language will provide all materials needed for administration of the braille and large print editions.
How to Place an Order for the Publisher’s Materials:
Via mail: Customer Service Riverside Insights One Pierce Place, Suite 900W Itasca, IL 60143
Ages 2 and Up
All tests in each of the 3 batteries are unabridged and adapted for the large print reader.
All response books used by the student have been adapted as stand-alone booklets.
All three batteries in 5 spiral bound student test books and 3 stand-alone student tests
5 sets of 11 response books (additional sets sold separately)
1 storage binder
1 pack of GlaReducers
1 innovations tote bag
Not included: All materials needed by the test administrator. Must order publisher Form A Tests of Achievement, Tests of Cognitive Abilities, and Tests of Oral Language which includes the online scoring along with all administration materials.
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