Weekly Reader, Special Print-Braille Edition
Fun and educational publication for print readers who want to learn more about the way kids who are blind read and write.
This product is discontinued.
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Date Discontinued: 09/10/2024
Catalog Number: Z-SMWR97
Format: Braille
Product Description
Weekly Reader®: Special Print/Braille Edition is a fun and educational publication for print readers who want to learn more about the way kids who are blind read and write. Cartoon characters help you learn about the braille code, Louis Braille, large print, and Talking Books. Regular print publication with samples of braille.
Up to five copies available free upon request, please call 1-800-223-1839 ext. 704.
Sold individually.
Weight: 4 lbs
Date Discontinued: 09/10/2024
Federal Quota Funds: Available
Language: English
Format: Braille
Media: Book
Product Type: Braille Learning
Age: 8 years and up
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