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Reach & Match, Number Tiles

Reach & Match Number Tiles are a supplement to be used in conjunction with the Reach & Match® Inclusive Education Kit. Each tile has a corresponding shape, color, texture, sound, and tactile marking to represent numbers 1 to 26.


Federal Quota Eligible


236 in stock

Catalog Number: 1-00181-00


433 in stock

Catalog Number: 1-00182-00

Format: Braille


Product Description

Reach & Match Number Tiles are an accessory to the Reach & Match® Inclusive Education Kit and Reach & Match Light (coming soon to APH!). Each number corresponds to a tile that is differentiated by its shape, color, texture, sound, and tactile marking. With these additional tiles, students will be able to perform activities and lessons described in the Reach & Match manual.

Numbers 1-7 are represented by round white and red tiles and have a tactile marking of four raised circles. Numbers 8-14 are white and blue triangles and have a tactile marking of three parallel S curves. White and green square tiles represent numbers 15-20, and their tactile marking is five thin parallel straight lines. The remaining numbers in the numbers, 21-26, are characterized by white and yellow pentagon tiles. The tactile markings found on these six tiles are three thick parallel lines with rounded corners. All numbers are printed in black with Nemeth braille dots corresponding to each tile’s color. Tiles come with a Zip Tile Bag for storage and easy carrying.

Visit the Reach & Match website.

    • Provides training with braille and print numeracy, motor development, direction, spatial awareness, and identifying tactile patterns
    • Helps students build skills in social interaction, problem solving, and pretend play
    • 26 number tiles
    • Zip tile bag
  • I have a student who struggled to demonstrate matching and visually placing objects in the correct placements. Using the floor version, he enjoys the textures, sounds, and size of the pieces. He has started to match and place the pieces in their correct spots. I would expect with the tabletop version he would do the same and begin to discriminate shapes when given 2 at a time. He would be able to access more than 1 part of the mat at a time.

    One positive outcome I have seen with the original set is that my student who typically does not reach outside of his arm span is willing to stretch and lean to find the pieces that are furthest away. I imagine similar results with the smaller version, using it either as a steppingstone before the bigger set, or for children who are smaller or physically incapable of reaching as far as the original set requires. Learning to explore the environment outside of one’s arm length is a big priority for all children, especially those with visual impairments.

    A smaller kit will be ideal for homes, preschools, and kindergarten rooms. The list of game ideas is very helpful for the TVI’s, parents, and school staff. I expect to use this product MORE because it will be more portable. I expect I’ll use it with more students as part of my TVI tool bag and to use it [with] more children because of its potentially lower price.

    I will say that my students enjoy working with their fellow classmates when the Reach & Match is out. We are also working on appropriate classroom behavior (aka sitting at a table). I love the idea of having something they enjoy working with, while working on this other skill. I think this adaptation would be a huge benefit.

  • Manuals

  • Format: Braille

    Federal Quota Funds: Available

    Language: English

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