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Optional Guidebook for Portable Sound Source: Sport Edition, 1-03045-00.
Note: APH does not carry this braille publication in inventory for immediate delivery — when you order it, we will produce it for you as a special order; therefore, allow several weeks for delivery.
Downloadable Manual: This publication is also available as a free-of-charge download — emboss it as needed using the downloaded file. Visit our downloaded file. Visit our downloadable manuals page.
Sound Localization Guidebook legacy CD-ROM content (.brf, .epub, .html, .txt). Extract the contents of the .zip file after downloading.
Weight: 4 lbs
Date Discontinued:
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Replacement Part:
Replacement Item
This Item Made to Order:
APH does not necessarily carry this item in inventory for immediate delivery — when you order it, we will produce it for you as a special order; therefore, allow several weeks for delivery
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Through logical, sequenced teaching approaches, independent travelers who are visually impaired will learn to analyze and navigate uncontrolled street crossings.