Parents and Their Infants with Visual Impairments (PAIVI): Parent Booklet Set with CD: Learning Together and Getting Ready for Preschool
Replacement item for Parents and Their Infants with Visual Impairments.
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Federal Quota Eligible
1 in stock
Catalog Number: 7-96148-00
Replacement Item
Product Description
Replacement item for Parents and Their Infants with Visual Impairments (PAIVI).
PAIVI Parent Booklets (included in kit, also available separately):
- Learning Together: A Parent Guide to Socially Based Routines for Very Young Children with Visual Impairments: This booklet offers strategies for parents to embed learning opportunities within everyday activities such as mealtime, bathtime, bedtime, playtime, storytime, and going out.
- Getting Ready for Preschool: A Parent Guide to Transition: This booklet discusses moving from early intervention to preschool services.
- CD-ROM contains a BRF in Unified English Braille (UEB) and an HTML file of each booklet.
PAIVI materials are available as a complete kit or as a set of parent booklets only.
RELATED READING LIST: Scroll to the bottom of this page.
Weight: 1.06 lbs
Dimensions: 9.1 × 11.35 × 0.9 in
Federal Quota Funds: Available
Replacement Part: Replacement Item
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