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On the Way to Literacy Handbook, 2nd Edition, Braille

A companion to APH’s On the Way to Literacy print-tactile book series, this handbook guides teachers and parents in supporting a young child’s first steps towards literacy. Each edition includes a CD of accessible files.


Federal Quota Eligible

Made to Order

Catalog Number: 6-77520-00

Format: Braille


Product Description

Opportunities to develop early literacy skills are important for all children. Children who have not formed a foundation of skills before entering kindergarten are at risk for later reading difficulties. During a child’s earliest years, adults play a critical role, helping a child develop positive attitudes about literacy and build early literacy skills.On the Way to Literacy contains extensive information on selecting and reading aloud from appropriate books and providing children opportunities to use the tools for writing in braille or print.The 2nd edition of the On the Way to Literacy handbook includes:
Information and research from the field of teaching children with visual impairments
Research regarding early literacy for typically sighted children
Recent findings of the National Early Literacy Panel

Although portions of the On the Way to Literacy handbook focus on the future braille reader, a great deal of the information is appropriate for a child who will read print. Use everyday events to support a child’s learning in key areas:

  • Early communication and language — the ability to communicate, speak and listen with understanding
  • Concepts — understandings, formed through experience, that give meaning to language the child learns
  • Skills needed for learning through touch and for reading braille
  • Knowledge about written language — including awareness of the ways print and braille are used, knowledge of print and braille conventions, and the relationship of letters and letter-sounds

This handbook contains extensive information on selecting and reading aloud from appropriate books and providing children opportunities to use the tools for writing in braille or print.

Opportunities to develop early literacy skills are important for all children. Although portions of the On the Way to Literacy handbook focus on the future braille reader, a great deal of the information is appropriate for a child who will read print. Approaches and activities are adaptable for older children, for those with additional disabilities, including children who may use another means of communicating, such as a symbol communication system. Appendices list additional sources of information to help readers meet each child’s unique and changing needs.

    • On the Way to Literacy uses everyday events to support a child's learning in key areas, including:
    • Early communication and language -- the ability to communicate, speak and listen with understanding
    • Concepts -- understandings, formed through experience, that give meaning to language the child learns
    • Skills needed for learning through touch and for reading braille
    • Knowledge about written language -- including awareness of the ways print and braille are used, knowledge of print and braille conventions, and the relationship of letters and letter-sounds
  • Weight: 4 lbs

    Dimensions: 13.5 × 11.1 × 12.05 in

    Media: Book

    Federal Quota Funds: Available

    Format: Braille

    Language: English

    This Item Made to Order: APH does not necessarily carry this item in inventory for immediate delivery — when you order it, we will produce it for you as a special order; therefore, allow several weeks for delivery

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