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O&M Family Booklet Software: CD-ROM – ON SALE

Customize a family booklet about your student’s Orientation and Mobility!

Note: This product has been discontinued. Orders will be fulfilled until inventory is no longer available. We apologize for the inconvenience.


Federal Quota Eligible

51 in stock

Catalog Number: D-03480-00


Product Description

Customize a family booklet about your student’s Orientation and Mobility and connect with students’ families in a whole new way!

O&M Family Booklet from APH is designed for O&M professionals. Let the software do the work for you — just type or select what you want the family to understand.


  • Input your contact information once and use it in other family booklets.
  • Introduce yourself to families in the style that fits best for each.
  • Invite contact and communication — with email, cell phone, or personal meetings.
  • Explain the meaning and importance of orientation and mobility skills for the student in your own words, with language provided by the software, or a combination of both.
  • Show the family the impact of the eye condition and visual functioning on the student’s orientation and mobility with:
    • Eye conditions and definitions pull-down
    • Input fields for relevant functional vision information
    • Editable explanations of acuities, fields, visual fluctuations, glare sensitivity, and use of lenses and/or optical devices
  • Describe the student’s O&M goals for the coming year, mark those skills the student has mastered and indicate those that he or she is working on.
  • Offer the family some general ideas about how they can foster the student’s independence at home: you can use or edit those already in the software and you can add and save your own.
  • Choose specific activities that the family and student can do together — the software has suggestions from preschool to transition or add and save your own.
  • Let the software format and print.

Clip your booklet into a cover and send it on its way!

Download a free demo of O&M Family Booklet. Click the Download link found at the top of the page. See below to learn how to turn this demo into a full copy of O&M Family Booklet.

  • Weight: 0.4 lbs

    Dimensions: 12.25 × 9.75 × 1 in

    Federal Quota Funds: Available

    Media: Software

  • Contact Customer Service to discuss your warranty options.