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Foundations of Education: Volume I: History and Theory of Teaching Children and Youths with Visual Impairments


The highly anticipated third edition of the essential textbook in the field of blindness and visual impairment is completely revised and updated for the 21st century.

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Catalog Number: F-B0008-00

Publishers: APH Press

Authors: Cheryl Kamei-Hannan, M. Cay Holbrook, Tessa McCarthy

Format: Print

Product Description

In addition to the latest information and best practices, Volume I, History and Theory of Teaching Children and Youth with Visual Impairments, includes a whole new set of chapters that provide additional perspectives on the educational system and focus on crucial topics that connect the education of students with visual impairment to the broader context of educational theory. Volume II, Instructional Strategies for Teaching Children and Youths with Visual Impairments, contains additional material on planning instruction, moving from assessment to instruction, and supporting students with visual impairments in the general education classroom Instructional strategies are also highlighted, with chapters dedicated to each area of the core or expanded core curriculum.

Icons located throughout both volumes direct readers to audio introductions, chapter overviews, learning activities, videos, resource lists, and downloadable forms housed in an exclusive, web-based Learning Center that enriches this foundational textbook as never before.

Seven appendices include a federal government policy statement on educating blind and visually impaired students; codes of ethics for teachers, orientation and mobility specialists, rehabilitation teachers, and low vision therapists; standards for entry into professional practice; and a statement of necessary knowledge and skills for beginning special education teachers of students with visual impairments. A glossary and list of resources is also provided. (Individual chapters contain references.)

To view the Table of Contents, please see the “Includes” section.

This item is made to order or is digital, therefore all sales are final.

    • Table of Contents: Historical Perspectives / Phil Hatlen
    • Visual Impairment / Kathleen M. Huebner
    • The Visual System / Marjorie E. Ward
    • Growth and Development of Young Children / Kay Alicyn Ferrell
    • Growth and Development in Middle Childhood and Adolescence / Karen E. Wolffe
    • Psychosocial Needs of Children and Youths / Dean W. Tuttle and Naomi R. Tuttle
    • Children and Youths with Visual Impairments and Other Exceptionalities / Rosanne K. Silberman
    • Multicultural Issues / Madeline Milian
    • Educational Programming / Sandra Lewis and Carol B. Allman
    • Professional Practice / Alan J. Koenig and M. Cay Holbroke
  • Federal Quota Funds: Not Available

    Publishers: APH Press

    Authors/Editors: Cheryl Kamei-Hannan, M. Cay Holbrook, Tessa McCarthy

    Media: Book

    Format: Print

    Language: English

    Publication Date: 2017

    This Item Made to Order: APH does not necessarily carry this item in inventory for immediate delivery — when you order it, we will produce it for you as a special order; therefore, allow several weeks for delivery

  • This product is nonrefundable. All sales are final.