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This versatile tactile drawing board is used in combination with special film and a stylus to create instant raised-line drawings.
The Draftsman Tactile Drawing Board is the perfect tool for:
producing simple raised-line graphics
demonstrating math concepts and tasks
demonstrating science concepts
practicing handwriting skills
playing games, such as tic-tac-toe, etc
facilitating tracing activities
creating art drawings
Simply clamp a sheet of drawing film onto the board, and you’re ready to use the stylus or a ballpoint pen to create the perfect raised image!
To see how Draftsman differs from TactileDoodle, please read below.
Frame design DRAFTSMAN: Rectangular frame with gutters for add-on/sliding tactile ruler TactileDoodle: Streamlined/modern appearance with curved frame and resting area for hand
Visual appearance of drawn tactile lines DRAFTSMAN: Drawn tactile images appear white (or blushed) against a beige padded surface TactileDoodle: Drawn tactile images appear white against a black background/padded surface for enhanced visual contrast (or chalkboard appearance)
Drawing stylus DRAFTSMAN: Complemented by a two-ended stylus to generate two different line types TactileDoodle: Complemented by a short, single-tip drawing stylus (ideal for use by younger students)
Hinge design DRAFTSMAN: Locking hinges or “wings” for securing drawing film on drawing surface TactileDoodle: Standard clip-board style clamps (same as used for APH’s ReadWrite stands) for securing drawing film on padded surface