Please be advised USPS is experiencing unusually long delays for Free Matter For The Blind shipping. If you have not received an order placed more than 30 days prior, please contact the APH Customer Service team at or 1-800-223-1839.
NEW! Handy Overview of Building on Patterns: Visit our new Building on Patterns overview pages to quickly find BOP Themes, Features, & Samples; Teaching Components (including Scope and Sequence charts); Ordering Information; Teacher Resources; and more here!
IMPORTANT: The Teacher’s Edition is not updated to UEB and is not transcribed in UEB. It will be updated when the Kindergarten level is revised. That revision is in process. Download the free UEB Teacher Supplement for the Teacher’s Edition under “Manuals & Downloads” below, and use the information in the supplement to mark up your Teacher’s Edition with the changes for UEB.
Guidebook for STACS: Standardized Tactile Augmentative Communication Symbols Kit. Shipping Limitations: This product only ships to the United States. Orders…