Please be advised USPS is experiencing unusually long delays for Free Matter For The Blind shipping. If you have not received an order placed more than 30 days prior, please contact the APH Customer Service team at or 1-800-223-1839.
Book Wizard™ Producer has all the features of Book Wizard Reader, but adds the ability to create digital talking books on your PC. The program adheres to the DAISY/NISO 2002 definitions and provides users with enhanced ability to control and navigate through both structured and unstructured audio files. Producer is compatible with source input of either a narrator who reads directly into the program or an imported audio file created from another source.
Download a free demo of Book Wizard Producer from this page: Click the Download link at the top of the page. See below to learn how to turn this demo into a full copy.
To proceed with your purchase: Please select the quantity of unique software license keys you require and select “Add to Cart” and proceed to the Checkout when you have completed shopping. License keys matching the quantity purchased will be provided after completing your order. To install the program, download the demonstration version of the software available at and use your license key to unlock the full version.
Replacement item for Prevocational Skills Development Materials Kit: 1-08000-00. Note: This product has been discontinued. Orders will be fulfilled until…