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Boehm-3 Preschool is an easy-to-administer tool that helps identify children who need help with basic relational concepts.
Boehm-3 Preschool measures 26 basic concepts relevant to the preschool and early childhood curriculum. This test helps identify children who lack understanding in basic relational concepts so you can provide intervention sooner, increasing their chance of success in school. Each concept is tested twice, to verify the child’s understanding.
Assess each concept twice to determine the child’s understanding across contexts
Picture Manual and Record Forms in English and Spanish (Big Picture Kit only)
Full reliability and validity data for children without visual impairment can be found in the Examiner’s Manual (see link above), but does not apply to this adaptation. Everything needed to administer the test to children with visual impairment is included in these kits.
The Boehm-3 Preschool Kits can be used with students diagnosed with CVI by applying the same accommodations that they use in school. There is no background complexity, and the drawings have already been simplified for use with low vision students.
Functional Vision: A Practitioner’s Guide to Evaluation and Intervention presents a systematic, comprehensive, integrated approach to assessing functional vision and…