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Resources for Professionals

APH shop featured image of a student using a magnifier to read their school work.

Resources for Professionals Products

Showing 37–48 of 87 results

Guidelines and Games for Teaching Efficient Braille Reading
the cover of Guidelines and Games for Teaching Efficient Braille Reading, Second Edition by Renae Bjorg, PhD and Myrna R. Olson, EdD on a white background.


This second edition of Guidelines and Games for Teaching Efficient Braille Reading offers unique ideas for adapting a general reading…


Catalog Number: F-B0062-EPUB

Format: EPUB

ISBN: 978-1-950723-11-9

Federal Quota Eligible


Guidelines and Games for Teaching Efficient Braille Reading
the cover of Guidelines and Games for Teaching Efficient Braille Reading, Second Edition by Renae Bjorg, PhD and Myrna R. Olson, EdD on a white background.

This second edition of Guidelines and Games for Teaching Efficient Braille Reading offers unique ideas for adapting a general reading…


Catalog Numbers: F-B0062-00, F-B0062-EPUB

Format: Print, EPUB

ISBN: 978-1-950723-10-2

Federal Quota Eligible


Guidelines and Standards for Tactile Graphics, 2010, Braille Edition

Provides transcribers, educators, and producers with information about best practices, current methods, and design principles for the production of readable…


Catalog Number: 5-35935-00

Federal Quota Eligible


Guidelines and Standards for Tactile Graphics, 2010, Print Edition

Provides transcribers, educators, and producers with information about best practices, current methods, and design principles for the production of readable…


Catalog Number: 7-35935-00

Federal Quota Eligible


Illinois Braille Series, Book One, Print Edition

This popular braille course for adults is now produced in Unified English Braille (UEB). Shipping Limitations: This product only ships…


Catalog Number: 7-17230-01

Federal Quota Eligible

103 in stock


Illinois Braille Series, Book One, Uncontracted Braille

This popular braille course for adults is now produced in Unified English Braille (UEB). Shipping Limitations: This product only ships…


Catalog Number: 5-17230-02

Federal Quota Eligible

311 in stock


Illinois Braille Series, Book Two, Contracted Braille

This popular braille course for adults is now produced in Unified English Braille (UEB). This edition consolidates and combines the…


Catalog Number: 5-17240-02

Federal Quota Eligible

105 in stock


Illinois Braille Series, Book Two, Print Edition

This popular braille course for adults is now produced in Unified English Braille (UEB). Shipping Limitations: This product only ships…


Catalog Number: 7-17240-01

Federal Quota Eligible

65 in stock


This product is discontinued.

Impressor: Braille Business Card Embosser, Revised

Revise the information on your Impressor Braille Business Card Embosser (1-03380-00).

Catalog Number: 1-03380-01

Not Federal Quota Eligible


This product is discontinued.

Impressor: Hook-Loop Base
Missing Image Placeholder

Replacement part for the Impressor: Braille Business Card Embosser (1-03380-00).


Catalog Number: 52-000-012

Not Federal Quota Eligible


Introduction to Braille Mathematics
Missing Image Placeholder

Based on The Nemeth Braille Code for Mathematics and Science Notation, 1972

An Introduction to Braille Mathematics is based on The Nemeth Braille code for mathematics and science notation. Please Note: BANA…


Catalog Number: 7-60050-00

ISBN: 0-8444-0190-0

Federal Quota Eligible

63 in stock


This product is discontinued.

Introduction to Braille Music Transcription
Missing Image Placeholder

A standard braille text, teaching the basics of braille music transcription.

Catalog Number: 6-75961-00

ISBN: 0-8444-1092-6

Federal Quota Eligible
