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Showing 25–36 of 87 results

Foundations of Education: Volume I: History and Theory of Teaching Children and Youths with Visual Impairments
Foundations of Education Third Edition Volume 1 book cover


The highly anticipated third edition of the essential textbook in the field of blindness and visual impairment is completely revised…


Catalog Number: F-B0008-EPUB

Format: EPUB

Not Federal Quota Eligible


Foundations of Education: Volume I: History and Theory of Teaching Children and Youths with Visual Impairments
Foundations of Education Third Edition Volume 1 book cover

The highly anticipated third edition of the essential textbook in the field of blindness and visual impairment is completely revised…


Catalog Numbers: F-B0008-EPUB, F-B0008-00

Format: Print, EPUB

ISBN: 978-0-89128-770-4

Not Federal Quota Eligible


Foundations of Education: Volume II: Instructional Strategies for Teaching Children and Youths with Visual Impairments
Foundations of Education Third Edition Volume 2 book cover


The highly anticipated third edition of the essential textbook in the field of blindness and visual impairment is completely revised…


Catalog Number: F-B0009-00

Format: Print

ISBN: 978-0-89128-696-7

Not Federal Quota Eligible

Made to Order


Foundations of Education: Volume II: Instructional Strategies for Teaching Children and Youths with Visual Impairments
Foundations of Education Third Edition Volume 2 book cover


The highly anticipated third edition of the essential textbook in the field of blindness and visual impairment is completely revised…


Catalog Number: F-B0009-EPUB

Format: EPUB

ISBN: 978-0-89128-773-5

Not Federal Quota Eligible


Foundations of Education: Volume II: Instructional Strategies for Teaching Children and Youths with Visual Impairments
Foundations of Education Third Edition Volume 2 book cover

The highly anticipated third edition of the essential textbook in the field of blindness and visual impairment is completely revised…


Catalog Numbers: F-B0009-EPUB, F-B0009-00

Format: Print, EPUB

ISBN: 978-0-89128-773-5

Not Federal Quota Eligible


Foundations of Orientation and Mobility, Volume I: History and Theory
Foundations of Orientation and Mobility, Volume I: History and Theory, 4th edition sitting against a white background. The bottom half of the red cover features a geometric graphic.

4th Edition, Print

The fourth edition of Foundations of Orientation and Mobility features contributions from over 50 experts covering essential O&M topics like…


Catalog Number: F-B0064-00

ISBN: 978-1-950723-12-6

Not Federal Quota Eligible

Made to Order


Foundations of Orientation and Mobility, Volume I: History and Theory
Foundations of Orientation and Mobility, Volume I: History and Theory, 4th edition sitting against a white background. The bottom half of the red cover features a geometric graphic.

4th Edition, EPUB

The fourth edition of Foundations of Orientation and Mobility features contributions from over 50 experts covering essential O&M topics like…


Catalog Number: F-B0064-EPUB

ISBN: 978-1-950723-13-3

Not Federal Quota Eligible


Foundations of Orientation and Mobility, Volume I: History and Theory
Foundations of Orientation and Mobility, Volume I: History and Theory, 4th edition sitting against a white background. The bottom half of the red cover features a geometric graphic.

4th Edition

The fourth edition of Foundations of Orientation and Mobility features contributions from over 50 experts covering essential O&M topics like…


Catalog Numbers: F-B0064-00, F-B0064-EPUB

ISBN: 978-1-950723-12-6 (Print) , 978-1-950723-13-3 (EPUB)

Not Federal Quota Eligible


Foundations of Orientation and Mobility, Volume II: Instructional Strategies and Practical Applications
The red cover of Foundations of Orientation and Mobility, Volume II: Instructional Strategies and Practical Applications, fourth edition. The editors are listed on the right side underneath the title. The bottom half of the cover features a geometric graphic of interwoven lines forming circles and squares.

4th Edition, Print

The fourth edition of Foundations of Orientation and Mobility features contributions from over 50 experts covering essential O&M topics like…


Catalog Number: F-B0065-00

ISBN: 978-1-950723-14-0

Not Federal Quota Eligible

Made to Order


Foundations of Orientation and Mobility, Volume II: Instructional Strategies and Practical Applications
The red cover of Foundations of Orientation and Mobility, Volume II: Instructional Strategies and Practical Applications, fourth edition. The editors are listed on the right side underneath the title. The bottom half of the cover features a geometric graphic of interwoven lines forming circles and squares.

4th Edition, EPUB

The fourth edition of Foundations of Orientation and Mobility features contributions from over 50 experts covering essential O&M topics like…


Catalog Number: F-B0065-EPUB

ISBN: 978-1-950723-15-7

Not Federal Quota Eligible


Foundations of Orientation and Mobility, Volume II: Instructional Strategies and Practical Applications
The red cover of Foundations of Orientation and Mobility, Volume II: Instructional Strategies and Practical Applications, fourth edition. The editors are listed on the right side underneath the title. The bottom half of the cover features a geometric graphic of interwoven lines forming circles and squares.

4th Edition

The fourth edition of Foundations of Orientation and Mobility features contributions from over 50 experts covering essential O&M topics like…


Catalog Numbers: F-B0065-00, F-B0065-EPUB

ISBN: 978-1-950723-14-0 (Print), 978-1-950723-15-7 (EPUB)

Not Federal Quota Eligible


Guidelines and Games for Teaching Efficient Braille Reading
the cover of Guidelines and Games for Teaching Efficient Braille Reading, Second Edition by Renae Bjorg, PhD and Myrna R. Olson, EdD on a white background.


This second edition of Guidelines and Games for Teaching Efficient Braille Reading offers unique ideas for adapting a general reading…


Catalog Number: F-B0062-00

Format: Print

ISBN: 978-1-950723-10-2

Federal Quota Eligible

Made to Order
