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Expanded Core Curriculum

APH shop featured image of a student using a magnifier to read their school work.

Expanded Core Curriculum Products

Showing 577–588 of 834 results

Plexiglas Spinner and Spinner Patterns (for Light Box)
Top view of Plexiglas Spinner and Spinner patterns

Create contrasting, moving patterns on the Light Box with this plastic spinner.


Catalog Number: 1-08664-00

Federal Quota Eligible

72 in stock


Pocket Braille Slate (Pins Up), Clear Plastic with Large Handle Stylus

A plastic pocket slate with a large handle stylus allows for 4 lines of braillewriting.


Catalog Number: 1-00078-00

Federal Quota Eligible

28 in stock


Pocket Braille Slate (Pins Up), Dark Plastic with Large Handle Stylus
Closed top view of Pocket Braille slate with wooden-handled stylus

Braille on the go with these compact pocket Braille slates.


Catalog Number: 1-00080-00

Federal Quota Eligible

330 in stock


Pocket Braille Slate (Pins Up), Heavyweight Metal, Slotted for Labeling Tape, with Large Handle Stylus

These Pocket Slates with a large handle stylus allow for 4 lines of braillewriting.


Catalog Number: 1-00160-00

Federal Quota Eligible

104 in stock


This product is discontinued.

Pocket-Size Notebook, 6-Ring

This small notebook is bound in imitation leather and will hold approximately 50 sheets of braille or bold line paper.

Catalog Number: 1-04280-00

Federal Quota Eligible


Pocket-Size Notebook, 6-Ring: Tabs

Optional item for Pocket-Size Notebook, 6-Ring: 1-04280-00. Note: This product has been discontinued. Orders will be fulfilled until inventory is…


Catalog Number: 1-04389-00

Federal Quota Eligible

18 in stock


Overhead view of APH Polly device showing large and standard braille cells, a six-dot braille keyboard, electronic slate, and navigation keys. The device is over a teal background.

Polly® is an electronic Wi-Fi enabled braille learning device that teaches reading, typing, writing, vocabulary, and spelling in both contracted…


Catalog Number: 1-08490-00

Federal Quota Eligible

429 in stock


Polly® Power Supply
Power adapter and power cord on a white background with a Polly keychain sitting in between.

Replacement part for Polly® (1-08490-00).


Catalog Number: 61-490-002

Replacement Item

Federal Quota Eligible

126 in stock


Pop-A-Cell (4-pack)
Pop-A-Cell Interactive Tactile Braille Cards

A large-scale braille cell is presented on a card -- pop the durable plastic cell dots up or down to…


Catalog Number: 1-17002-00

Federal Quota Eligible

435 in stock


This product is discontinued.

Portable Sound Source, Sound Localization Guidebook, Braille

Optional Guidebook for Portable Sound Source: Sport Edition, 1-03045-00.


Catalog Number: 5-03045-00

Format: Braille

Replacement Item

Federal Quota Eligible


Power Select
Front view of Power Select for SLK

Replacement item for Sensory Learning Kit (SLK): 1-08611-00.


Catalog Number: 1-08612-00

Replacement Item

Federal Quota Eligible

533 in stock


This product is discontinued.

Prevocational Skills Development Materials Kit
Prevocational Skills Development Materials Kit Components

This kit helps develop manipulative skills, such as matching, sorting, counting, assembling, and packaging.


Catalog Number: 1-08000-00

Federal Quota Eligible
