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Daily Living and Social Interaction

APH shop featured image of a student using a magnifier to read their school work.

Daily Living and Social Interaction Products

Showing 13–24 of 50 results

Deaf Blind Pocket Communicator
DeafBlind Pocket Communicator Letter Side Close-up

Easily communicate on the go with this no-tech, pocket-size Communicator, featuring raised lettering!


Catalog Number: 1-16999-00

Federal Quota Eligible

190 in stock


Development of Social Skills by Blind and Visually Impaired Students

Innovative practical strategies are provided for educators, researchers, and families on how to assist children in the development of social…


Catalog Number: F-B0028-00

ISBN: 978-0-89128-217-4

Not Federal Quota Eligible

Made to Order


Everyday Activities to Promote Visual Efficiency: A Handbook for Working with Young Children with Visual Impairments
Everyday Activities to Promote Visual Efficiency book cover


Provides principles of early intervention with young children who are visually impaired and may have additional disabilities. Simple activities that can…


Catalog Number: F-B0031-00

Format: Print

ISBN: 978-0-89128-835-0

Federal Quota Eligible

Made to Order


Everyday Activities to Promote Visual Efficiency: A Handbook for Working with Young Children with Visual Impairments
Everyday Activities to Promote Visual Efficiency book cover


Provides principles of early intervention with young children who are visually impaired and may have additional disabilities. Simple activities that can…


Catalog Number: F-B0031-EPUB

Format: EPUB

ISBN: 978-0-89128-835-0

Federal Quota Eligible


Everyday Activities to Promote Visual Efficiency: A Handbook for Working with Young Children with Visual Impairments
Everyday Activities to Promote Visual Efficiency book cover

Provides principles of early intervention with young children who are visually impaired and may have additional disabilities. Simple activities that can…


Catalog Numbers: F-B0031-00, F-B0031-EPUB

Format: Print, EPUB

Federal Quota Eligible


This product is discontinued.

EZ Test Battery Tester, Audio-Tactile Feedback Version
EZ Test Battery Tester Audio Tactile Feedback With Cable Tie

Battery tester beeps or beeps vibrates, indicating the charge on household batteries.


Catalog Number: 1-03969-00

Federal Quota Eligible


EZ Track Address Book

Get organized with this large print address book -- includes a plastic template for easy entry. Note: This product has…


Catalog Number: 1-07910-00

Federal Quota Eligible

9 in stock


EZ Track Address Book Insert Pages

Replacement item for EZ Track Address Book: 1-07910-00. Note: This product has been discontinued. Orders will be fulfilled until inventory…


Catalog Number: 1-07911-00

Federal Quota Eligible


This product is discontinued.

EZ Track Medical Record Keeper
EZ Track Medical Record Keeper

This large print organizer helps you keep medical records, history, and doctor contacts handy.

Catalog Number: 1-07930-00

Federal Quota Eligible


Food Management Assessment Manual, Functional Skills Assessment, Print

The Functional Skills Assessment (FSA) is a tool for evaluating daily living skills for students in primary grades, middle school,...


Catalog Number: 7-08232-02

Federal Quota Eligible

35 in stock


Food Management Assessment Manual, Scoring Book
Missing Image Placeholder

Note: This product has been discontinued. Orders will be fulfilled until inventory is no longer available. We apologize for the…


Catalog Number: 7-08234-00

Federal Quota Eligible

28 in stock


Foundations of Rehabilitation Counseling with Persons Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired

Contributions to this text from more than 25 experts provide essential information on subjects such as functional, medical, vocational and…


Catalog Number: F-B0033-00

Not Federal Quota Eligible

Made to Order
