Communication Modes and Literacy Education

Communication Modes and Literacy Education Products
Showing 1–12 of 435 results
A Parents’ Guide to Special Education for Children with Visual Impairments (EPUB)

This handbook for parents, family members and caregivers of children with visual impairments explains special education services that these children…
Catalog Number: F-B0021-EPUB
Format: Print, EPUB
Federal Quota Eligible
Access Technology for Blind and Low Vision Accessibility

Access Technology for Blind and Low Vision Accessibility emphasizes opportunities for independence, leadership, and timely access to information for people…
Catalog Number: F-B0059-00
Format: Print
ISBN: 978-1-95072-303-4
Federal Quota Eligible
Made to Order
Access Technology for Blind and Low Vision Accessibility

Access Technology for Blind and Low Vision Accessibility emphasizes opportunities for independence, leadership, and timely access to information for people…
Catalog Number: F-B0059-EPUB
Format: EPUB
ISBN: 978-1-95072-303-4
Federal Quota Eligible
All-In-One Board

This multi-platform, easily-adjustable board by APH can be used in the classroom for learning activities with students of all ages.
Catalog Number: 1-08836-00
Federal Quota Eligible
163 in stock
All-In-One Board: Carry Bag, Black

Replacement part for All-In-One Board
Catalog Number: 61-121-015
Replacement Item
Federal Quota Eligible
6 in stock
Aluminum Diagramming Foil: Sheets

Special foil sheets for creating tactile graphics masters, white paint on one side for drawing graphics.
Catalog Number: 1-04090-00
Federal Quota Eligible
123 in stock
Antique Ivory Opaque Paper: 11 x 14 Inches

Photocopy large print documents with this high-contrast, ivory paper.
Catalog Number: 1-04500-05
Federal Quota Eligible
317 in stock
Antique Ivory Opaque Paper: 11 x 17 Inches

Photocopy large print documents with this high-contrast, ivory paper.
Catalog Number: 1-04500-00
Federal Quota Eligible
388 in stock
Antique Ivory Opaque Paper: 8.5×11 inches

Photocopy print documents with this high-contrast, ivory paper.
Catalog Number: 1-04501-01
Federal Quota Eligible
386 in stock
APH Light-Touch Perkins Brailler®

The APH Light-Touch Brailler makes typing a faster, more enjoyable experience by requiring less pressure to press the keys. Shipping…
Catalog Number: 1-00815-00
Federal Quota Eligible
120 in stock
APH SMART Brailler by Perkins

APH SMART Brailler combines a standard braille keyboard, speech output, and SimBraille and large print on a colorful screen, creating…
Catalog Number: 1-00820-00
Federal Quota Eligible
373 in stock
Basic Spanish for Orientation and Mobility: A Phrase Book and Dictionary

A valuable, user-friendly tool for communicating O&M instruction to students who primarily speak Spanish. Important Information, Please Read! This item…
Catalog Number: F-B0024-00
Format: Print
ISBN: 978-0-89128-651-6
Federal Quota Eligible
Made to Order