Access Technology
Access Technology Products
Showing 37–48 of 49 results
Polly® Power Supply
Replacement part for Polly® (1-08490-00).
Catalog Number: 61-490-002
Replacement Item
Federal Quota Eligible
126 in stock
Power Select
Replacement item for Sensory Learning Kit (SLK): 1-08611-00.
Catalog Number: 1-08612-00
Replacement Item
Federal Quota Eligible
533 in stock
Scallop Switch
Replacement item for Sensory Learning Kit (SLK): 1-08611-00.
Catalog Number: 1-08613-00
Replacement Item
Federal Quota Eligible
442 in stock
Select Switch
A battery-powered switch with function control features that enable disabled individuals to communicate and control battery-operated appliances, toys, and devices.
Catalog Number: 1-08617-00
Federal Quota Eligible
338 in stock
Submersible Audio Light Sensor (SALS)
SALS makes science activities more accessible than ever! The device has a plastic-covered glass tube with a rectangular box on…
Catalog Number: 1-03995-00
Federal Quota Eligible
165 in stock
This product is discontinued.
TactPlus Printer Paper
APH has discontinued sale of the Tactplus Printer and related products. Please visit Ability2Access for ongoing sales and support.
Catalog Number: 1-08061-00
Replacement Item
Not Federal Quota Eligible
Turbo Portable Fan with Adapter
Replacement item for Sensory Learning Kit (SLK): 1-08611-00. Shipping Limitations: This product only ships to the United States. Orders outside…
Catalog Number: 1-08619-00
Replacement Item
Federal Quota Eligible
213 in stock
Turtleback APH Chameleon 20 Case
Protect your Chameleon 20 with our stylish yet durable Turtleback case.
Catalog Number: 1-08472-00
Federal Quota Eligible
Turtleback APH MantisQ40 Case
Protect your MantisQ40 with our stylish yet durable Turtleback case
Catalog Number: 1-08468-00
Federal Quota Eligible
Vibrating Pad with Adapter
Switch-operated sensorimotor product excellent for designing tactual proprioception learning routines. Use this water repellent vibrating pad for sensorimotor routines as…
Catalog Number: 1-08616-00
Replacement Item
Federal Quota Eligible
572 in stock
Visual Brailler
Visual Brailler is a braille writer for your iPad and iPhone, and has a place in every braille transcriber’s toolbox!…
Not Federal Quota Eligible
This product is discontinued.
Zeitgeist Talking Time Machine, English Version
This talking time device combines a number of functions, including dual time zones, calendar, and 10 alarms -- carry in…
Catalog Number: 1-03974-00
Federal Quota Eligible