Early Childhood

Early Childhood Products
Showing 181–192 of 202 results
This product is discontinued.
TactPlus Printer and Paper Bundle

APH has discontinued sale of the Tactplus Printer and related products. Please visit Ability2Access for ongoing sales and support.
Catalog Number: 1-08062-00
Not Federal Quota Eligible
Tangle Toy and Tangle Book Kit

With its infinite knot shapes and variety of colors and textures, Tangle Toy® can be used to encourage a child…
Catalog Number: 1-08750-00
Federal Quota Eligible
124 in stock
Teaching Social Skills to Students with Visual Impairments: From Theory to Practice

Addresses the systematic development of skills in listening for and interpreting auditory information as they relate to literacy, independent travel,…
Catalog Number: F-B0050-00
Format: Print
ISBN: 978-0-89128-882-4
Federal Quota Eligible
Made to Order
Teaching Social Skills to Students with Visual Impairments: From Theory to Practice

Addresses the systematic development of skills in listening for and interpreting auditory information as they relate to literacy, independent travel,…
Catalog Number: F-B0050-EPUB
Format: EPUB
ISBN: 978-0-89128-600-4
Federal Quota Eligible
Teaching Social Skills to Students with Visual Impairments: From Theory to Practice

Addresses the systematic development of skills in listening for and interpreting auditory information as they relate to literacy, independent travel,…
$34.95 – $56.95
Catalog Numbers: F-B0050-00, F-B0050-EPUB
Format: Print
Federal Quota Eligible
Textured Matching Blocks

A board with blocks that encourages recognition of textures, identification of textures by name, and tactual matching, while reinforcing directional…
Catalog Number: 1-08950-00
Federal Quota Eligible
Textured Pegs

This blue peg board provides high visual contrast against 12 yellow textured pegs.
Catalog Number: 1-08930-00
Federal Quota Eligible
142 in stock
This product is discontinued.
VIPS At Home: Special Education: Your Journey to a Successful IEP

Teaching resource for parents of visually impaired children.
Catalog Number: 8-00078-00
Federal Quota Eligible
This product is discontinued.
VIPS Video Library: Becoming a Can-Do Kid: Self-Help Skills, DVD

The VIPS Video Library offers practical and proven techniques.
Catalog Number: 1-30026-DVD
Not Federal Quota Eligible
VIPS Video Library: Every Child Can! (DVD – English)

This video offers a preschool-level perspective on the Expanded Core Curriculum (ECC) for Students Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired.…
Catalog Number: 1-30037-DVD
Not Federal Quota Eligible
8 in stock
VIPS Video Library: Every Child Can! (DVD – Spanish)

This video offers a preschool-level perspective on the Expanded Core Curriculum (ECC) for Students Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired.…
Catalog Number: 1-30038-DVD
Not Federal Quota Eligible
6 in stock
VIPS Video Library: Every Child Can! (USB – English)

This video offers a preschool-level perspective on the Expanded Core Curriculum (ECC) for Students Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired.…
Catalog Number: 1-30037-USB
Not Federal Quota Eligible
4 in stock