Please be advised USPS is experiencing unusually long delays for Free Matter For The Blind shipping. If you have not received an order placed more than 30 days prior, please contact the APH Customer Service team at or 1-800-223-1839.
APH is in the process of converting our manuals to accessible formats. If you do not find the manual you need below, please check our archived Downloadable Product Manuals page.
The APH product manuals below are free-of-charge downloads. You may print or emboss them as needed. We do not keep these manuals in stock, but make them on demand as orders are placed for them; therefore, please allow several weeks for delivery.
Note: Manuals on this download page may be available from APH in other formats that are not shown; for example, the braille manual for a kit may be available for free download, but the large print manual may ONLY be available for purchase, and will therefore not appear on this download page.