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Make Connections with Professional Communities

View from over the shoulder of someone visiting the professional communities main page on their laptop.

What do the terms “influence,” “sharing,” “reinforcement,” and “support” all have in common? They all describe Professional Communities, the APH Hive’s newest body of information for practitioners. Grow your knowledge and expertise by accessing a variety of resources from across the field, curated by occupation.


Who Benefits from Professional Communities?

Because it takes a circle of professionals to provide wrap-around services to individuals with visual impairments Professional Communities provides a virtual space of belonging for each role. Whether you work with babies or adults, learning experiences and resources will equip you to better produce, perform, and deploy educational opportunities. Professionals that can benefit from this resource include:

  • Assistive Technology Specialists
  • Braille Transcribers
  • Low Vision Specialists
  • Orientation and Mobility Specialists
  • Paraprofessionals
  • Parents
  • Teachers of the Visually Impaired
  • Vision Rehabilitation Specialists


Why Should You Visit Professional Communities?

While education and training begin in university programs, professional development should be a lifelong endeavor for anyone serving individuals with low vision and blindness. Along with courses currently offered in the APH Hive, Professional Communities offers additional access to external resources assembled to meet the needs of vision educator roles.  Categories of resources include:

  • Curated webinars
  • External courses
  • Training videos
  • Blogs/websites
  • Documents
  • Journals and magazines


What’s Next?

Professional Communities helps you to grow in knowledge and will soon offer the additional opportunity to advance even more as a leader with the launch of discussion boards in spring 2023. This upcoming portal for reciprocal communication will allow professionals to connect, reinforce, and influence one another’s practice.


Visit Professional Communities today.

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