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CloseHall of Fame: Leaders and Legends of the Blindness Field
The Hall of Fame for Leaders and Legends of the Blindness Field is dedicated to preserving, honoring, and promoting the tradition of excellence manifested by the individuals inducted into the Hall of Fame and through the history of outstanding services provided to people who are blind or low vision.

Members of the Hall of Fame make up a fascinating cross-section of heroes and pioneers who shaped our rich history, philosophy, knowledge and skills. These giants shared their personal lives and showed strategies to ensure services remain unique and specialized for people who are blind and low vision.
The establishment of the Hall of Fame for Leaders and Legends of the Blindness Field was announced in Louisville, Kentucky, in October of 2001 at the 133rd Annual Meeting of Ex-Officio Trustees and friends of the American Printing House for the Blind. The Hall has gained support from across the field, including from AER, AFB, and CEC-DVI.
We welcome your contribution. Please donate to support the Hall of Fame.
Find the Hall of Fame on Facebook and YouTube. You may also contact the Hall of Fame by sending an email to
The Hall of Fame for Leaders and Legends of the Blindness Field is now accepting nominations for 2025 inductees. If you are interested in submitting a nominee, please read the information below and submit the form. The nomination process will close April 30, 2025.
What are the Criteria?
Persons who have made transformative contributions to improve the lives of those who are blind or low vision in such areas as:
- Contributing to the Body of Knowledge
- Scholarship
- Program Development
- Curriculum Development
- Published Writing
- Scientific Research
- Practitioner Research
- Scholarship
- Contributing through Communication
- Compelling Oral and Written Presentations
- Staff and Parent Development
- Public Education
- Continuing Education
- Contributing through Leadership
- Visionary and Strategic Planning and Implementation
- Administrative Planning
- Interagency Collaboration
- Pioneering Innovations
- Service in and through Professional Organizations
- Contributing through Advocacy
- Systems Change
- Public Policy (federal, state, local)
- Community Organizing
- Capacity Building
- Resource Development
- Revenue Generation
- Contributing through Mentorship and Role Modeling
- Advancement of the Blindness Community
- Assisting Practitioners and/or Administators
- Serving as Exemplars
- Public Attitudinal Change Agents
- Contributing through Professional Practice
- Exemplary and Transformative Direct Service
- Innovative Practices
- Sharing Knowledge and Experience
- Impactful Presentations
- Distinguished Champion of the field of Blindness and Low Vision
- Legislative
- Parental Contribution
- Entrepreneurial/Commercial Enterprises
- Access Technology
- Pharmaceuticals
- Adaptive Equipment
- Sustainability
- Contributions that have stood the test of time
Who is Eligible?
- Persons are eligible five years after departure from positions where their significant lifetime body of work was made.
- Individuals from North America are eligible for nomination. (North America is defined as US, Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean).
What is Required to Nominate Someone?
Nominators must submit a comprehensive nomination packet including a thoroughly completed Hall of Fame Nomination Form and three letters of support. If more than three letters are received, only the first three will be used. Electronic submission of the form and the support letters is preferred. Letters of support may be emailed to Justin Gardner at or mailed to him at APH, Hall of Fame, 1839 Frankfort Avenue, Louisville, KY 40206 or faxed to 502-899-2367.
Where and when is Hall induction?
- Although there is an annual call for nominations, inductions are not necessarily on an annual schedule.
- The induction ceremonies will occur during the October Annual Meeting of the American Printing House for the Blind in Louisville, Kentucky.
How long do nominations remain active?
- Nominations that are not selected are held and reconsidered the following year. If not chosen in the second year, nominations must be resubmitted as a new nomination.
- Nomination forms and letters may be updated for the second year.
- Contributing to the Body of Knowledge
Check back soon for more information about the 2025 Hall of Fame Induction.
Georgie Lee Abel
Edward Ellis Allen
Lulu (Lou) Johnson Alonso
Loyal Eugene Apple
Samuel Ashcroft
Robert Atkinson Carl Augusto
Carl AugustoB
Samuel Bacon
Edwin Albert Baker
Natalie Barraga
Mary K. Bauman
Donald Blasch
Warren BledsoeC
Charles F.F. Campbell
Sir Francis Joseph Campbell
Thomas Carroll
Michael CollinsD
Cleo Dolan
William H. English
Jane ErinF
Eleanor E. Faye
Kay A. Ferrell
Martha Louise Morrow Foxx
Morris Frank
Sir Charles Frederick FraserG
Kathern Gruber
William Allen Hadley
Frank H. Hall Verna Hart facing camera and smiling
Verna Hart
Phil Hatlen
Euclid Herie
Everett “Butch” Hill
Richard Hoover
Samuel Gridley Howe
Kathleen M. HuebnerI
Douglas Inkster
Robert IrwinJ
Kenneth Jernigan
Laurence C. Jones
Randall T. JoseK
Ruth Kaarlela
Helen Keller
Alan Koenig
Roy KumpeL
Berthold Lowenfeld
Ann MacCuspie
Sally Mangold
Durward McDaniel
M.C. MigelN
Abraham Nemeth
Arnall Patz
Newel PerryR
Alice Raftary
Louis Rives
Sally RogowS
Peter Salmon
Ambrose M. Shotwell
Robert J. Smithdas
Susan J. Spungin
Anne Sullivan
Stanley Suterko
Mary SwitzerT
Josephine Taylor
Tuck Tinsley
Dean TuttleV
Louis Vieceli
William Bell Wait
Donald Wedewer
Richard Welsh
Robert H. Whitstock
Russell Williams
James Max Woolly
Berdell “Pete” WurzburgerZ
Trischa Zorn-Hudson
- Bill Wiener (NC), Past Chair
- Mike Bina (MD), Chair
- Julie Hapeman (WI), Vice Chair
- Kim Zebehazy (BC-CAN), Secretary
- Justin Gardner (KY), Treasurer
- Bernadette Kappen (NY)
- Lee Nasehi (FL)
- Mark Richert (DC)
- Mary Nelle McClennan (PA)
- Kay Ferrell (WA)