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DVIDB 2023

APH event banner. Three parallel bars in the APH brand colors of pomegranate, teal, and gold diverge and zigzag dynamically behind the APH logo. Text reads: DVIDB 2023, February 24.


February 24, 2023




The mission of the Division on Visual Impairments and Deafblindness (DVIDB) is to improve the lives of children, students, and/or consumers with visual impairments and/or deafblindness.


Supporting students with visual impairments when language might be a barrier — Erika Fundelius, M.A.

February 24, 2023 9:00–11:30 a.m.

The composition of classrooms in terms of student population is constantly changing, and the number of students who speak other than English as their home language is increasing. Although we hear about cultural diversity and the need for our responsiveness in the matter as TVIs, how might we best support the needs of our students with our limited time and understanding of multiple languages? The presentation will provide an overview of English language learner (ELL) population in special education, the potential prevalence of ELLs who have a visual impairment, and will provide ideas for instructional support in an interactive manner.

Building Language and Literacy Skills of English Learners with Visual Impairments — Cheryl Kamei-Hannan, Ph.D.

February 24, 2023 1:00 pm–3:30 pm

Language and literacy skills are integrally linked. A robust knowledge base that is both broad in content and deep across many domains may boost one’s reading comprehension and overall literacy skills. Likewise, one’s cultural context and background are assets that can be used to draw upon and deepen understanding. Thus, identifying one’s assets, presenting culturally relevant literature, and building upon one’s foundations can have a positive impact on literacy skill development. English leaners may need additional support in developing academic vocabulary, as well as targeted support in learning English language structures. With regard to the links between language comprehension and literacy development, we will explore the impact of a visual impairment on learning English. In addition, we will learn how to draw upon one’s cultural artifacts to boost language development. Finally, we will explore various strategies to build language and literacy skills specifically for English learners with visual impairments.

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