Please be advised USPS is experiencing unusually long delays for Free Matter For The Blind shipping. If you have not received an order placed more than 30 days prior, please contact the APH Customer Service team at or 1-800-223-1839.
CloseAPH Email Directory
Below you will find contact information for all departments within APH.
Customer Service
APH product availability, services, product repair, technical support and general questions about products and services for the blind.
Accessible Tests
Reviews and edits high stakes, standardized assessments for accessibility issues related to low vision and blindness.
Accessible Textbooks
For information on custom large print and braille textbooks:
- Braille Textbooks:
- Large Print Textbooks:
Or, use our Accessible Textbook Order forms:
APH ConnectCenter
Resources and Services for people who are blind or low vision.
APH InSights Art
Annual art competition and exhibition for visually impaired and blind artists.
APH Press
For questions and comments about APH Press books, or information about submitting a book proposal.
Braille Improvement
Braille questions, formatting questions and requests to be added to the Weekly Braille Refresher questions
Braille Tales
A program that offers free print/braille books for preschoolers who are blind and visually impaired.
Requests for APH product catalogs. (Include your name and address, and specify the format needed).
Consumer communications and product engagement materials, APH News and other email communications, including social media.
Community Relations
Located in Kentuckiana and looking to connect with APH on a project or event?
Custom/Contract Work
Braille, Tactile Graphics, Audio Recording, Enlarged Print.
Donations and Planned Giving
General inquiries about donations, planned giving, or major gifts.
Factory and Museum Tour Program
Our re-imagined museum, The Dot Experience, is scheduled to open in 2026. We can’t wait to open our doors and welcome guests but until then make sure to join us at our Connect the Dots events and follow The Dot Experience on Facebook and X for updates on the museum.
Federal Quota Census
Questions from EOTs/EOT Assistants about the federal quota census process
The APH Hive
APH’s free eLearning platform for educators and families.
Media Inquiries/Public Relations
For interview requests or any other public relations and media inquiry.
(502) 899-2368
The National Instructional Materials Access Center (NIMAC)
The NIMAC is a national repository of K-12 materials in the XML-based NIMAS format. These files are used by states and the organizations they designate (including APH) in the production of accessible formats such as braille, large print, digital text, and audio. Contact us if you need help getting plugged into your state’s system, would like to request an account, or have questions about working with NIMAS files.
The National Prison Braille Network
The National Prison Braille Network serves as a hub of information and resources for those involved with prison braille programs and reentry for participants being released. Contact us at for more information.
Product Feedback
Your feedback matters. To submit feedback on an APH product, please use our product feedback form to send your comments.
Product Idea Submission
Do you have a product idea to share with APH? Use our product suggestion form to send us your suggestion.
Public Relations/Media Inquiries
For interview requests or any other public relations and media inquiry.
(502) 899-2368
Purchase Orders
Use to submit purchase orders to the customer service team.
Regional Outreach
Regional Specialists meet the unique needs of EOTs, professionals, families and other service providers.
Research, Evaluation, and Digital Information Services (READS)
Contact us if you have questions about using–or contributing to–the Louis Database of Accessible Materials or the Accessible Media Producers Database (AMP). We provide assistance in locating accessible materials and can also help with questions related to the APH Library, including the M.C. Migel Memorial Collection.
Sales/Social Enterprise
For product sales quotes or conference and exhibit coordination.
Tactile Graphic Image Library (TGIL)
The Tactile Graphic Image Library (TGIL) is a database of free, downloadable templates to aid in the creation of custom tactile graphics.
Computer technology, and general information about software and hardware accessibility.
Volunteer with APH
Looking for an opportunity to give back to the community by supporting one of Louisville’s oldest nonprofit agencies?
General Questions
Have a general question for APH? Use our Contact Us form and we will follow up with you.