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Outreach Services

Outreach Services provides consultation and educational support for students with visual impairments, teachers and administrators, and families. We advocate for the registration of students for the Federal Quota Program and work to increase awareness.

Pictured Back Row from Left to Right: Alicia Wolfe, Jenny Wheeler, Stephanie Walker, Jennifer Brooks, Cindy Amback, Erin Weaver, Angela Dresselhaus, Valerie Mansfield.

Pictured Front Row from Left to Right: Leslie Weilbacher with Guide Dog Fame, Jeff Schwartz, Leanne Grillot, Amy Campbell, Haley Blankenship.

APH Outreach. Pictured Back Row from Left to Right: Alicia Wolfe, Jenny Wheeler, Stephanie Walker, Jennifer Brooks, Cindy Amback, Erin Weaver, Angela Dresselhaus, Valerie Mansfield. Pictured Front Row from Left to Right: Leslie Weilbacher with Guide Dog Fame, Jeff Schwartz, Leanne Grillot, Amy Campbell, Haley Blankenship.

How Can APH Outreach Services Help?

Explore the cards below to learn about the various programs and resources offered by APH Outreach Services. Be sure to check out the 2024 Abacus Bee! Questions about our Outreach Services? Please reach out to us at


We offer a variety of training options for professionals in the fields of blindness and education, parents, and families including distance learning, exhibits and presentations at conferences, and expanded core curriculum academies/professional learning communities.

National Coding Symposium

This symposium collaborates with educational partners nationwide to showcase engaging coding activities that inspire and empower. Designed to ignite the passion for coding among students from elementary to college levels, our symposium cultivates future leaders in programming and software development.

Regional Support

APH continues to expand its reach through our strategically placed Regional Specialists. Regional Specialists meet the unique needs of EOTs, professionals, families, and other service providers working with students who are blind or low vision by providing tailored support to communities.

Federal Quota

The Federal Act to Promote the Education of the Blind was enacted by Congress in 1879. It provides adapted educational materials to eligible students who meet the definition of blindness.

Abacus Bee

The APH Abacus Bee is a fun and engaging competition designed to ignite a passion for mathematics in students who are blind or have low vision.

Annual Meeting

Each year APH hosts Annual Meeting, gathering Ex Officio Trustees (EOTs), Teachers of the Visually Impaired (TVIs), other professionals, and special guests to learn about different products and services that APH offers, discuss important issues in the field, give feedback, and network.