Braille Textbook Request Form
To request Custom Braille Textbooks, please submit the following:
- Completed Request Form
- Federal Quota Form or Purchase Order
- Photocopies of the front and back cover of the book
- Photocopies of the title page and the back of the title page (must include copyright and ISBN information)
Notable items regarding the APH Braille Textbook Process:
- APH is not able to process new Braille orders with a copyright date older than 5 years
- An estimated delivery date will be sent to you once your order has been processed
- APH is not able to produce state editions of textbooks—national versions only
- Braille Textbooks must be K-12 student textbooks
- Custom textbook orders cannot be returned or cancelled after pre-production has been started.
Braille Textbook Request Form
"*" indicates required fields
Mail completed request form, Federal Quota Order form/PO, and all copies (front and back cover as well as the front and back of the title page) to:
ATTN: New Custom Textbook Orders
American Printing House for the Blind, Inc.
1839 Frankfort Ave.
Louisville, KY 40206
Or fax your order to 502-899-2219
You may also email your request to Simply scan all documents and attach to your email message.
For more information requesting on-demand books or if you require any assistance please contact us directly: 1-800-223-1839 or email For more specific questions contact:
Braille textbooks:
Large print textbooks:
Thank you for your order!