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Building Your Science, Health, Technology, and Engineering Toolkit

A student and teacher in a science lab using the Adapted Science Materials Kit.

From biology to anatomy to engineering, we have a variety of products and resources to supplement your students’ education. Check out the list below for some solutions for your classroom in the S, T, and E areas of STEM!


Science and Health

Our science products adhere to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Learn more by reading our NGSS blog.

  • Sense of Science: Plants is the first module in the Sense of Science series, designed to teach basic plant concepts to students in grades K-3, and to other students who may benefit from a multi-sensory approach to learning.
  • Sense of Science: Animals is the second module in the Sense of Science series, designed to make the world of animals accessible, understandable, and enjoyable for a broad range of ages and grade levels.

Sense of Science Animals Kit

  • Sense of Science: Astronomy is the third module in the Sense of Science series, designed to make the world of astronomy accessible, understandable, and enjoyable for a broad range of ages and grade levels.
  • Basic Science Tactile Graphics (EBAE) are vacuum-formed, raised-line drawings that depict objects, concepts, and relationships covered in nearly all elementary science textbooks. Instructional hints and suggestions are given for each tactile drawing.
  • Life Science Tactile Graphics (EBAE) depict organisms, processes, concepts, and patterns that are typically covered in middle and high school life science courses.
  • Earth Science Tactile Graphics (UEB) depict processes, concepts, and structures typically covered in middle and high school Earth Science courses.
  • With Build-A-Cell, students can build and discover the different characteristics of bacterial, animal, and plant cells.

Tactile/braille key to internal structures with bacterial, plant, and animal templates with their associated internal structures attached.

  • The DNA Twist is a model that demonstrates the structure of the DNA molecule.
  • The DNA-RNA Kit is an accessible, interactive model that demonstrates the formation of single and double strands of DNA, DNA replication, and transcription of DNA to messenger RNA.
  • The Protein Synthesis Kit teaches students how to translate a strand of messenger RNA (from the DNA-RNA Kit) into a strand of amino acids which form the primary structure of a protein. Students use the Genetic Code Large Print Braille (included in the kit) to decode the messenger RNA and form transfer RNA molecules that guide the sequencing of amino acids.
  • Use the Light In-Sight: Reflection & Refraction Kit to construct ray diagrams related to light reflection and refraction.
  • Azer’s Interactive Periodic Table Study Set (Nemeth) provides a combined print/tactile study set designed to make learning about the Periodic Table of the Elements, as well as the atomic model, accessible to students who are blind or low vision.
  • Our Submersible Audio Light Sensor (SALS) makes science activities more accessible than ever! The device has a plastic-covered glass tube with a rectangular box on one end. The tip of the glass tube detects light, and the box converts light to a tone and sends the signal to an app. SALS can be used in both liquids and air!
  • The Adapted Science Materials Kit includes many items, such as beakers and graduated cylinders, that are modified for use by students who are blind or low vision.

Adapted Science Materials Kit including a carry-all tote bag, histogram board, balance, graduated cylinders, sorting trays, thermometer, syringe, standard mass pieces, beakers, meter tape, and funnel stand


Technology and Engineering

  • The Accessible Code & Go Mouse provides a hands-on introduction to coding concepts and tactile graphics as students program Colby the mouse to race through the maze toward the cheese.

The Code and Go Mouse box on a table.

  • CodeQuest is a FREE interactive and accessible iPad app that teaches players coding, logic, and orientation skills.
  • Code Jumper helps students learn computer coding and programming skills through a unique physical system.

student adjusting a code jumper pod at a table covered in a network of connected pods. A tablet displays the app in the background.

  • Use the Snapino®: Access Kit to build circuits throughout 20 different projects by connecting the physical components on the breadboard. Also, practice basic coding with the Snapino Arduino board by plugging it into a computer and utilizing free software from the Arduino website.
  • The modernized Snap Circuits Jr. 130 Access Kit has 29 new projects and includes four circuit components not included in the commercially available Elenco® Snap Circuits Junior kit – a green fan, a battery holder, a motor, and a horn.
  • With the RC Snap Rover Access Kit, students will learn about electronics as they snap together colorful Snap Circuits® parts to build an RC Snap Rover that can zoom across any surface with the included wireless remote control.

side view of RC Snap rover, a bread board covered in snap circuits pieces sitting on a frame with wheels.

  • The BRIC: Structures® Access Kit allows children of all ages to let their imagination go wild as they construct 26 projects that run on electricity.


Learn more about our engineering tools by reading our APH’s Road to Code and Snap Into Electronics blogs, and find out more about our science and health products by visiting

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