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Orders placed between March 27 – 31 will not ship until April 1 due to APH warehouse closure for inventory.


Product Updates for Spring 2025

A collection of rectangles, squares, and circles each in bright shades of red, yellow, and blue lay on a table.

APH consistently works to not only produce new technology, but to improve what already exists. With technology that is always evolving, we strive to keep you informed about any and all updates or enhancements to our products.   


MathBuilders: Measurement 

MathBuilders: Measurement is a free supplementary math curriculum for blind and low vision students. The curriculum is designed to help students with their foundational skills in both measuring and estimations. The newest version of MathBuilders: Measurement will now feature all worksheets, and the user manual from MathBuilders unit 5 is available for free on the APH website in UEB, Nemeth, and print. The MathBuilders kit itself is not for sale, but many components from the kit are available for individual sale on the website.  


Giant Textured Beads with Pattern Matching Cards 

The Giant Textured Beads with Pattern Matching Cards are a collection of colorful beads, cards, and a sorting tray designed to enhance students’ development in foundational skills. This product helps students engage as they learn to explore/identify shapes and colors, sort objects by various attribute, recognize and repeat patterns, build fine motor skills, and interpret tactile displays. The updated version of this product will include a more efficient production process, and a new blue plastic material. The product price is also decreasing over 30 dollars! 


Jerry Johns Basic Reading Inventory, 12th ed 

The Jerry Johns Basic Reading Inventory is an informal reading assessment created to help teachers evaluate their students’ reading levels. The information gathered from using this tool helps educators determine a student’s instructional, independent, and frustration reading levels, as well as their listening levels based on speed, accuracy, and comprehension. The APH adaptations include both large print and braille. The 12th edition is the newest updated edition of this assessment.  


FOCUS Cubes and Cylinders 

FOCUS Cubes and Cylinders is a set of mathematical manipulatives that contain wooden cubes and plastic cylinders in various sizes. The manipulatives are used for students PreK through first grade to develop early mathematic foundations. While FOCUS in Math has been discontinued, we are selling the manipulative packs separately.  


VR Cardinal 

The VR Cardinal is a portable tactile GPS system combined with a digital book player. It provides the opportunity for navigation and entertainment from anywhere. The product page now features audio tutorials for users to have a deeper understanding of how to use the product! 

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