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APH Blog

Learn about what’s happening at APH including news, product launches, and stories from the community.

Smiling student at a laptop

Latest News from APH

Woman typing on a braille keyboard

APH Product Roadmaps: Why We Do Them and How You Can Make an Impact

  Each year we develop a product roadmap with a particular focus area that identifies gaps in our current offerings...

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snap circuits pieces assembled including battery packs and wires, to build RC Snap Rover

Snap Into Electronics

In science classes, sighted students are taught the basics of electricity, coding, and programming through a variety of hands-on activities....

A person's hand reading the 40 cell braille display on the Mantis Q40. A folded up white cane sits on the table.

Coding With Mantis Q40

The Mantis Q40, with its combination of 40 braille cells and a QWERTY keyboard, is the perfect companion for learning...

graphic of a hand pointing to a computer screen shwoing a mock up of a web page. Surrounding the computer screen is graphic representation of a piece of paper, two cogs, a cloud, a magnifying glass, and a chat bubbble.

Web Accessibility is Beautiful and Delicious 

Happy Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD)! A primary focus of GAAD is ensuring that web content is accessible. It is...

a teenage student in glasses working at a laptop with headphones on

#AtHomeWithAPH Resources

We’re all familiar with the effects that social distancing, self-quarantine, and canceled in-person services are having on our day-to-day lives....

close up of a phone screen displaying a variety of apps including, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

Why Make Your Social Posts Accessible?

Like options in many types of software programs, options for posting via social media platforms can raise accessibility issues for...

juno magnifier set up on a book magnifying the page at a students desk. student is writing in a notebook with a penil

Magnification Rocks with Juno

Our family of quota-eligible magnifiers just got a new member. Named after the space asteroid, Juno is a powerful handheld...