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APH Blog

Learn about what’s happening at APH including news, product launches, and stories from the community.

Smiling student at a laptop

Latest News from APH

Woman typing on a braille keyboard

APH Product Roadmaps: Why We Do Them and How You Can Make an Impact

  Each year we develop a product roadmap with a particular focus area that identifies gaps in our current offerings...

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Marje Kaiser standing at a podium with wings of freedom award next to her

APH Annual Meeting Presents Four Prestigious Awards

At our 153rd Annual Meeting, we presented four prestigious awards to leaders in the field of blindness and visual impairment....

Rectangular wooden type frame featuring a grid filled with small metal types with raised numbers on their ends.

Math Accessibility Through History

I like numbers. I think the way they dance around and make different, almost mystical combinations is cool. (Hang with...

screenshot of a website. text on page reads

LEGO® Braille Bricks On-Demand Learning Course

The Power of Learning Through Play More than a year ago, we partnered with the LEGO Foundation to provide LEGO®...

Pencil sketch of a forest scene set in a clearing, framed by a massive oak tree. One child sits on a fallen log. Another is sitting on the ground, resting his arms on the log, and a third stands nearby. All are watching a man, standing, reading to them from a book.

Piney Woods Country Life School

For a small exhibit this fall I researched two Hall of Fame recipients, Dr. Laurence C. Jones and Martha Morrow...

Statue of a man in front of a wall. He is wearing a crown of leaves, with wings at either side, and holding a model of a 1930s automobile.

The Cleveland Guardians and the Helen Keller Archives

I was born in Indianapolis and have always been a Cleveland fan, just like my grandfather before me. I could...

a graphic that says

APH’s Road to Code

A thread of possibilities, including career opportunities in the ever-expanding computer science field, will unravel as students learn to code....