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APH Blog

Learn about what’s happening at APH including news, product launches, and stories from the community.

Smiling student at a laptop

Latest News from APH

A man stands in front of a TV screen wearing headphones.

Content Drives Design as Solid Light Curates an Engaging Visitor Experience

What Will be in The Dot Experience?    The Dot Experience will house a world-class collection of artifacts and tell many...

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A woman stands, holding her cane, in front of a train passing by.

The Cognitive Science Behind Braille on the Monarch

The Monarch’s multiline braille display can be used to read textbooks, essays, novels, and more, but what’s actually happening inside...

Miriam stands in front of a yellow desk while holding her Monarch. The display on the Monarch is also being shown on a computer screen next to her.

A Fresh Perspective: Teaching Adults who are Blind or Have Low Vision with the Monarch

Orientation and mobility, assistive technology, and independent living skills are vital for adults who are blind or low vision to...

Danielle sits at a desk with headphones on and her back to the camera, while a man next to her helps her navigate the audio files.

Solid Light’s Prototyping Team Revolutionizes Museum Accessibility

APH’s upcoming accessible and interactive museum, The Dot Experience, has been a labor of love from so many in the...

A Harry Potter Golden Snitch tactile graphic appears on the Monarch screen.

Enhancing Reading with the Monarch

Individuals who are blind or have low vision often need descriptions of their surroundings. From hearing about the layout of...

A woman wearing a gold APH hat shows a young girl and a man how to use an abacus.

Connect the Dots Event Inspires Inclusivity and Accessibility

On Saturday, November 2nd the Louisville Free Public Library hosted STEAM Day, an event filled with family fun exploring science,...

A seated boy holds a 3D-tactile model of a brailler.

Solid Light Sets the Stage for Inclusivity

A lot goes into designing a brand-new museum. From exhibit planning, to selecting flooring, and beyond, our partners at Solid...