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Orders placed between March 27 – 31 will not ship until April 1 due to APH warehouse closure for inventory.


APH Blog

Learn about what’s happening at APH including news, product launches, and stories from the community.

Smiling student at a laptop

Latest News from APH

Two hands on a Monarch, while a tactile graphic of flags appears on the screen

Announcing the eBraille Candidate Release Draft

After more than two years of collaboration, research, and refinement, we are thrilled to announce the publication of the eBraille...

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A silver Cricut machine, which looks like a printer with a tablet attached to the top and a cutting board with measurements where the printer tray would be, cutting a large red rectangular piece of material.

Adapting Materials Using the Cricut Maker and APH Products

New technology opens a world of possibilities for student learning. We spoke with Jamie Austin, a Teacher of the Visually...

A group of eight adults pose for a photo while standing around a gigantic cranmer abacus. Another adult squats with a young child near the bottom right corner of the abacus. Behind the two leftmost standing adults, a tall thin banner reading “Connect the Dots” can be seen.

Connect the Dots

We are excited to announce our new family-based education series: Connect the Dots, powered by the PNC Foundation! Thanks to...

An adult man and a teenage boy wearing running gear and attached at the hands by a short teather jog on a road surrounded by trees on a sunny day.

Exploring the World of Adapted Physical Education: Enhancing Inclusivity for Blind and Low Vision Students- Adapting Traditional PE Activities

Traditional P.E. activities can be found in almost every gym class, so making them accessible is very important. Running, jumping,...

A woman's hands touch a tactile graphic of a monarch butterfly displayed on the Monarch's 10 line by 32 cell refreshable braille display.

Mastering the Monarch

The braille metamorphosis has begun! More than 40 teachers from across the U.S. are gathering in Orlando, FL prior to...

A blue goalball resting on a goalball court.

Learning About Goalball from a Paralympian

Played competitively in 112 countries, goalball is a team sport for athletes who are blind and low vision. We recently...

Five children with excited expressions are gathered around a book. The child in the center and the child on the far right are each touching the book with one of their index fingers.

Open the Door to New Learning

Reading is for everyone! Whether using low vision devices or the braille code to access literacy opportunities, the same process...