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Orders placed between March 27 – 31 will not ship until April 1 due to APH warehouse closure for inventory.


APH Blog

Learn about what’s happening at APH including news, product launches, and stories from the community.

Smiling student at a laptop

Latest News from APH

Two hands on a Monarch, while a tactile graphic of flags appears on the screen

Announcing the eBraille Candidate Release Draft

After more than two years of collaboration, research, and refinement, we are thrilled to announce the publication of the eBraille...

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A woman wearing bioptic lenses smiles as she sits in the driver's seat of a car.

Seeing Through Someone Else’s Eyes: Bioptic Lenses Pave the Way for Bioptic Driving

Have you ever seen someone who had glasses with what looked like miniature telescopes attached to the lenses? A special...

National Library Week poster image with

APH Celebrates National Library Week!

National Library Week is an annual celebration of the value and impact libraries across the country bring to their communities....

A student using two hands to read braille on the Monarch's refreshable braille display.

The Monarch: Improving Braille Literacy for Students

Braille helps students who are blind or low vision with reading, writing, and comprehension so they can succeed in school...

A student types on a Perkins Brailler sitting next to a Cranmer Abacus.

Summing Up Success: 2024 Abacus Bee Finals

APH’s Outreach Services team hosted close to 100 people in Louisville, KY on March 21-24 for a weekend of competition,...

Two hands wearing several rings feel a tactile graphic of a car displayed on the Monarch’s 10-line by 32-cell refreshable braille display.

Making the Monarch: A Revolutionary Device for All

People often picture the majestic butterfly when they hear the name “Monarch.” As part of our braille metamorphosis at APH,...

Four seated people touch a charcoal-colored protoype of an intricate incense burner, which is standing on a table. Several people in the background look on.

Please Touch! Making Museum Collections Accessible

What do you think of when you hear the words “museum collection?” Artifacts like objects, paintings, photographs, rare books, or...