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Orders placed between March 27 – 31 will not ship until April 1 due to APH warehouse closure for inventory.


APH Blog

Learn about what’s happening at APH including news, product launches, and stories from the community.

Smiling student at a laptop

Latest News from APH

Two hands on a Monarch, while a tactile graphic of flags appears on the screen

Announcing the eBraille Candidate Release Draft

After more than two years of collaboration, research, and refinement, we are thrilled to announce the publication of the eBraille...

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A woman writes on a pad of paper while her laptop sits in front of her. Text:

The APH Hive Launches Summer Learning Cohort

Are you ready to dive into the fascinating world of literacy education for students with visual impairments? APH is thrilled...

Three rows of smiling people, some sitting and some standing behind long tables, hold up their Monarch boxes.

What Do Educators Have to Say about the Monarch?

Educators are the experts! They have the experience and knowledge necessary to understand what tools will give their students the...

A woman seated at a table leans over a Monarch as she touches braille on its multiline braille display. Another woman using the Monarch on her lap with a laptop on the table in front of her can be seen in the background.

Setting a New File Standard with eBraille

Braille and tactile graphics allow students who are blind or low vision to learn the same educational concepts as their...

A work station with a computer displaying braille, a desk organizer holding highlighters and Post-It notes, a paper taped to the monitor with color coded notes on the braille alphabet, and a little printed illustrations of funny ghosts. A hand is reaching out to turn the page of a marked up text in a binder.

Literacy for the Nation: APH’s Braille Transcriber Apprenticeship Program (BTAP) Offers Ex-Offenders a Hand-Up

Imagine what it would be like to be shut off from the outside world for decades, only to find that...

A student uses one hand to touch braille on the Monarch's tactile display. A screen facing the student can be seen behind the Monarch.

Making Math More Accessible: Monarch’s Word Processor

Standardized testing scores among students who are blind and have low vision are very low in STEM subjects. When APH...

A woman touches the Monarch's braille display as a monitor behind the device displays a graph.

Making Math More Accessible: Monarch’s Braille Editor and Graphing Calculator

Math is not the most accessible subject for students who are blind or have low vision. Adaptations to activities and...