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APH Blog

Learn about what’s happening at APH including news, product launches, and stories from the community.

Smiling student at a laptop

Latest News from APH

Justin Gardner sits in front of shelves filled with tan boxes. He is holding a book with a photo of Helen Keller on the cover.

Unveiling a Legacy: The Helen Keller Time Capsule

Around the corner from the heart of  braille production and product storage, sits a room tucked against the back wall...

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Four students sit outside on the grass laughing together.

Adapted Physical Education for Blind and Visually Impaired Students: The Future of Inclusive P.E.

No child should be left out of an activity due to being blind or having low vision. Unfortunately, this happens...

A student uses both hands to touch a tactile graphic of an apple displayed on the Monarch's multiline refreshable braille display.

First eBraille Public Working Draft is Published

Over two years in the making, the first eBraille public working draft has been published. This is an exciting development...

Vintage illustration of a blind busker, who is playing a violin by himself in an alleyway, with his dog by his side.

National Dog Month: A History of Guide Dogs

To celebrate National Dog Month, APH Librarians are highlighting one of our favorite books about the history of guide dogs....

The Refreshabraille 18. The rectangular plastic case is silver and black with slightly rounded sides. An eighteen-cell, eight-dot refreshable braille display is at the top of the device, with a round cursor routing button below each cell and three display advance bars below the display. Nine square blue braille entry keys are arranged six over three beneath the display advance bars and the joystick, which is located in middle of the device. The APH logo and

Blindness History Basics: A Brief History of the Refreshable Braille Display

Braille, introduced by Louis Braille in Paris, France in 1829, has opened up the world of reading and writing for...

An APH employee leans over a table covered in papers and books as she speaks to two small girls and a woman.

Connect the Dots Event Explores Access Through Touch and Texture

On Saturday, July 13th, fifty visitors attended “Touch and Texture,” the latest in our education series, Connect the Dots, at...

A middle school aged student with a white cane tucked into their arm touches the Monarch's multiline refreshable braille display, which is laying on a table in front of them. An adult stands behind the table, and a tactile solar system map and a Perkins brailler are also laying on the table.

Making Middle School Lessons More Accessible with the Monarch

Tactile maps give people who are blind or low vision a sense of their surroundings. Through careful study, a mental...