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Foundations Bookshelf

Several books, including Foundations of Rehabilitation Therapy and Foundations of Rehabilitation Teaching, on a bookshelf with a white mug with a cartoon ladybug on it. The mug is full of dry erase markers.

Understanding the principles of the field of low vision and blindness is key to future success. APH Press’s Foundations series provides aspiring and seasoned professionals with the fundamentals they need when working with students or clients who are blind and have low vision.

  • Foundations of Orientation and Mobility, 4th ed.: This classic professional reference and textbook has been completely revised and expanded to two volumes by the most knowledgeable experts in the field. Volume 1, History and Theory, includes the basis of O&M knowledge, including perception, orientation, low vision, audition, kinesiology, psychosocial issues, and learning theories, as well as chapters on technology, dog guides, orientation aids, and environmental accessibility. Volume 2, Practical Strategies and Applications, contains detailed information in such areas as the use of the senses in O&M; teaching O&M to different age and ability groups; and the use of technology.
  • Foundations of Education, 3rd: The highly anticipated third edition of the essential textbook in the field of blindness and visual impairment is completely revised and updated for the 21st century. In addition to the latest information and best practices, Volume I: History and Theory of Teaching Children and Youths with Visual Impairments, includes a new set of chapters that provides additional perspectives on the educational system and focus on crucial topics that connect the education of students with visual impairment to the broader context of educational theory. Volume II: Instructional Strategies for Teaching Children and Youths with Visual Impairments, contains additional material on planning instruction, moving from assessment to instruction, and supporting students with visual impairments in the general education classroom. Instructional strategies are also highlighted, with chapters dedicated to each area of the core or expanded core curriculum.
  • Foundations of Low Vision: Clinical and Functional Perspectives, 2nd ed.: This ground-breaking text highlights the importance of focusing on the functional and clinical implications of low vision. The book goes further in its presentation of how best to assess and support both children and adults with low vision and plan programs and services that optimize their functional vision and ability to lead productive and satisfying lives based on individuals’ actual abilities.
  • Foundations of Vision Rehabilitation Therapy: This book is the second edition of Foundations of Vision Rehabilitation Teaching with Persons Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired. It contains updated information and techniques vision rehabilitation therapists can use to assist transition-age students and adults who are blind and visually impaired, and who have multiple disabilities. A recent update to the field is the professionals’ title change from “teachers” to “therapists.” A collaboration among several contributors, the text provides an overview and principles of the profession.
  • Foundations of Rehabilitation Counseling with Persons Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired: Contributions to this text from more than 25 experts provide essential information on subjects such as functional, medical, vocational, and psychological assessments; demographic and cultural issues; placement and employment issues; and the rehabilitation team.


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