Aging and Vision Loss Bookshelf
Many adults lose their vision later in life and may have difficulty adapting to their vision loss, which can have an impact on their daily life. These APH Press books provide information and resources for adults experiencing vision loss, their families, and professionals who serve them.
- Making Life More Livable: Simple Adaptations for Living at Home after Vision Loss: Making Life More Livable is an important resource for older adults who are losing their vision and the family members who support them. This large-print book provides practical tips and modifications that improve the safety and security of the home and give older adults with vision loss solutions to continue living independent and productive lives.
- O&M for Independent Living: Strategies for Teaching Orientation and Mobility to Older Adults: This book is an important guide for O&M instructors, rehabilitation specialists, occupational therapists, and other professionals who work with adults who may be new to vision loss. Chapters include strategies on adapting O&M skills for older adults, environmental modifications and appropriate equipment, exercise and its relationship to mobility, daily living skills, and effective collaboration among the professionals who serve this population. Also available in EPUB
- Aging and Vision Loss: A Handbook for Families: This handbook offers reassuring and helpful information about meeting the needs of a family member who is losing their vision, including support and resources for caregivers. Also available in EPUB
- Out of Sight Not Out of Mind: Personal and Professionals Perspectives on Age-Related Macular Degeneration: Out of Sight, Not Out of Mind presents a personal account of living successfully with age-related macular degeneration (AMD), combined with powerful information on effective service delivery.
- Out of the Corner of My Eye: Living with Macular Degeneration: This book brings readers a personal and compelling story of a person living successfully with macular degeneration and ways to cope effectively.
- Vision Loss in an Aging Society: A Multidisciplinary Perspective: This classic reference outlines the critical components of public policy changes needed in view of demographic trends and is an invaluable resource for university instructors as well as professionals in the fields of low vision, social work, geriatric medicine, rehabilitation, occupational therapy, and public health.
Visit VisionAware to find more tips, resources, and a searchable, free directory of services for adults with vision loss.
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