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Braille Textbook Request Form

To request Custom Braille Textbooks, please submit the following:

  • Completed Request Form
  • Federal Quota Form or Purchase Order
  • Photocopies of the front and back cover of the book
  • Photocopies of the title page and the back of the title page (must include copyright and ISBN information)

Notable items regarding the APH Braille Textbook Process:

  • APH is not able to process new braille orders with a copyright date older than 5 years
  • An estimated delivery date will be sent to you once your order has been processed
  • APH is not able to produce state editions of textbooks—national versions only
  • Braille textbooks must be K-12 student textbooks
  • Custom textbook orders cannot be returned or cancelled after pre-production has been started.

Braille Textbook Request Form

"*" indicates required fields

Today's Date*
Date Book is Needed?*
How many copies are needed?
Please enter a number from 1 to 30.

Purchaser Contact Information

Purchaser Name*
Purchaser Address*

Assistant/Teacher Contact Information

Assistant/Teacher Name
Assistant/Teacher Address

Textbook Information

Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade
Copyright Year*
For copyright dates that have a year only, please enter 1 as the month and 1 as the day.

Braille Preferences

Braille Code to be Used*

Type of Braille to be Used*
Math Code to be Used (if Applicable)*
Braille Format*

Braille Pages*
Single-Sided: In a single-sided printing, braille is only embossed on the front of each sheet of paper. This method is often recommended for early education (K-3) and new braille learners.

Interpoint: In an interpoint printing, braille is embossed on both sides of the sheet of paper. This reduces the volume count of the final transcription and is suitable for proficient braille readers of all grade levels.

The default method for APH is interpoint.
Does this translation need to be double-spaced?
Please note: Double-Spaced Braille has 2 blank lines for every blank line required in a traditional transcription
Is this book to be transcribed as Consumable?*
Consumable: Consumable textbooks are transcribed so that the student can insert their answers directly onto the embossed braille pages. It is single-sided and comes unbound in a 3-ring binder to allow the student to tear out each page and braille in their answers. This is suitable for workbooks and activity books and is more common in early education materials (K-3).
Include all Tables and Charts?*
Include Spanish Glossary?*

Special Request

For all request, APH may ask you to send us copies of the book if we are not able to obtain them through our usual sources.

Attach Files

Max. file size: 2 GB.
Max. file size: 2 GB.
Max. file size: 2 GB.
Max. file size: 2 GB.
Max. file size: 2 GB.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Mail completed request form, Federal Quota Order form/PO, and all copies (front and back cover as well as the front and back of the title page) to:

ATTN: New Custom Textbook Orders
American Printing House for the Blind, Inc.
1839 Frankfort Ave.
Louisville, KY 40206

Or fax your order to 502-899-2219

You may also email your request to Simply scan all documents and attach to your email message.

For more information requesting on-demand books or if you require any assistance please contact us directly: 1-800-223-1839 or email For more specific questions contact:

Braille textbooks:
Large print textbooks:

Thank you for your order!